This is a bundle of these 30 courses

About this course

Welcome to the SOMAH Academy!

The SOMAH Workforce Development Team has curated a list of free courses to give you a broad overview of the solar industry. These courses equal around 41 hours, are self study, and are designed to be taken at your own pace. Once you complete all of the courses, you can apply to participate in a SOMAH paid job training opportunity.

Benefits of participating in a SOMAH paid job training opportunity include:

  • Hands-on training to complement courses and previous work experience

  • Gain experience in different parts of the installation process (PV installation, project design/engineering, PV commissioning and maintenance)

  • Access to career development resources and events

  • Add multifamily, and residential project to your resume

  • Potential on-the-job interview

When you are ready to start applying, you’ll need to sign up for the Job Training Portal by completing the Job Trainee Intake Form. Once you have set up your account you will be able to browse job training opportunities and upload your resume for contractors to view.

If you have any questions, please contact the Workforce Development team at or 510-913-9402.

Ready To Sign Up Today? Click Here to Enroll

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Bundle outline

30 courses • 49 modules

Course 1 • 6 modules
Solar Power 101
Module 1 • 4 assignments

  • Renewable Energy Overview Part I - Introduction (01:10:41 hours)
  • Powerpoint Slides - Introduction to Renewable Energy Technology and Markets (.pdf)
  • November 2023 Update: Impact of the Infrastructure Bill & Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) (34:37 minutes)
  • Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Module 2 • 7 assignments

  • Renewable Energy Overview Part II - Government & Finance (32:55 minutes)
  • Presentation Slides - Part II (.pdf)
  • Interstate Renewable Enery Council (IREC)
  • Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE)
  • Recent Renewable Energy Publications from Lawrences Berkeley Laboratory's Electricity Markets & Policy Group
  • New Energy Outlook - Bloomberg New Energy Finance
  • Solar Career Pathways Chart (.jpg)
Module 3 • 2 assignments

  • Renewable Energy Overview Part III - Technology Overview (45:47 minutes)
  • Presentation Slides - Part III (.pdf)
Module 4 • 17 assignments

Topics for this week include: An introduction to solar technology, photovoltaics, hybrid systems, net metering, and energy storage.

  • Lecture 1 - Photovoltaic Systems Overview (41:40 minutes)
  • Presentation slides for Lecture 1 (.pdf)
  • Lecture 2 - Grid Intertied and On-Site Generation: The Big and Small Picture (49:29 minutes)
  • Presentation slides for Lecture 2 (.pdf)
  • Florida Solar Energy Center
  • North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)
  • Solar Pathfinder
  • Solmetric
  • NREL's PVWatts Calculator
  • Homer Energy
  • HelioScope
  • Amerian Solar Energy Society (ASES)
  • Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)
  • "Interconnection of Distributed Generation to Utility Systems" - Regulatory Assistance Project
  • Detailed Summary Maps - DSIRE
  • Cost of Renewable Energy Spreadsheet Tool (CREST) - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
  • System Advisor Model - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Module 5 • 5 assignments

Topics for this week include: Power purchase agreements (PPAs), leasing, lending, the state of the art, environmental drivers, the Clean Air Act, climate change, and funds.

  • Lecture 1 - Photovoltaic System Issues (41:13 minutes)
  • Presentation slides for Lecture 1 (.pdf)
  • Lecture 2 - PV Financing (36:25 minutes)
  • Presentation slides for Lecture 2 (.pdf)
  • PV*SOL - The Solar Design Company
Module 6 • 9 assignments

Topics for this week include: Codes and standards (UL, NABCEP, SRCC), local permitting studies, house value studies, remote diagnostics, quick deploy systems, modular and inter-operable systems, aesthetics, and blending with high-value energy efficiency and other renewables.

  • Lecture 1 - Integration Issues: Microgrids and Community Grids (01:01:51 hours)
  • Presentation slides for Lecture 1 (.pdf)
  • Lecture 2 - Sklar's Top 10 PV Points (27:46 minutes)
  • Presentation slides for Lecture 2 (.pdf)
  • Federal Smart Grid Task Force
  • "Importance of a Distribution Management System (DMS) in Grid Modernization" - Microgrid Knowledge (Oct. 2015)
  • Renewable Energy Data Books (NREL)
  • "Levelized Cost of Storage Analysis" - Lazard
  • National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Interactive Map of Cooperative Solar
Course 2 • 2 modules
Introduction to Solar PV Design, Installation and Code
Module 1 • 4 assignments
Introduction to Sean White, HeatSpring, NABCEP, and this Course

Let's get started! In this opening module you'll meet Dr. Sean White, the lead instructor for the course (you will also meet Bill Brooks later in the course).
Here we talk about the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) and why it is so relevant today. You will learn how to get a NABCEP Certification and how to study for and pass the NABCEP exams.
One of Sean's learning techniques, is making sure everyone has fun and that the class information is memorable. These classes are definitely upbeat!

  • Connect with your instructor Sean on LinkedIn
  • Introduction (18:19 minutes)
  • Solar Market Report Summary (.pdf)
  • Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Module 2 • 10 assignments
Introduction to Solar PV Design

Becoming a great solar PV and energy storage sage takes a deep understanding of electricity, engineering, and construction. We don't cover all of those things here - but we give you just enough to be dangerous. Work your way through this series of assignments, and you'll be on your way to becoming a solar PV and energy storage guru.

  • History (06:38 minutes)
  • Statistics and Outlook (07:04 minutes)
  • PV Market and Applications (04:21 minutes)
  • Safety Basics (06:29 minutes)
  • Energy Units (04:37 minutes)
  • Electricity Basics (09:24 minutes)
  • PV Module Fundamentals (19:02 minutes)
  • IV Curves With Bill Brooks (10:59 minutes)
  • Solar Energy and Solar Power (09:57 minutes)
  • Building Integrated Photovoltaics and Tesla Solarglass (aka Tesla Solar Roof) with Bill Brooks (05:37 minutes)
Course 3 • 1 modules
Understanding Residential and Commercial Energy Storage
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Energy Storage and Renewable Energy—Is the Technology Right for You or your Business?

  • Watch the Lecture (01:08:51 hours)
  • Consumption Worksheet exercise. (.xls)
Course 4 • 1 modules
5 Things You Should Know About Silicon PV Panels
Module 1 • 7 assignments
5 Things You Should Know About Silicon PV Panels

  • Introduction (06:46 minutes)
  • #1 - PV panels are more delicate than you might think (13:34 minutes)
  • #2 - PV modules can get really hot and bypass diodes are very important (08:52 minutes)
  • #3 - Walking on panels can hurt them (05:38 minutes)
  • #4 - Cracked solar cells are common (10:59 minutes)
  • #5 - Many defects electrically impact only 2/3 of the panel (04:57 minutes)
  • Conclusion (02:50 minutes)
Course 5 • 1 modules
Selling the Sun
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Selling the Sun

  • Selling the Sun (50:02 minutes)
  • Additional Resources
Course 6 • 5 modules
Solar Career Pathways
Module 1 • 4 assignments
Welcome to the course!

Meet the instructor and learn about course objectives.

  • Meet your instructor (03:12 minutes)
  • Follow HeatSpring on LinkedIn
  • Course Objectives (45 seconds)
  • Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Module 2 • 3 assignments
Why choose the solar industry?

  • Solar Industry Snapshot (12:24 minutes)
  • National Solar Job Census 2022
  • E2 Clean Jobs America 2022 Report (.pdf)
Module 3 • 2 assignments
Solar Career Map

Learning how to use the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) Solar Career Map.

  • Solar Career Map Tour - Mary Lawrence & Joe Sarubbi (19:02 minutes)
  • Explore the IREC Solar Career Map
Module 4 • 16 assignments
Professional Perspectives

We catch up with professionals across the solar energy industry to hear about their jobs, their experience, and career advice.

  • Electrical Apprenticeship - Vaughan Woodruff (13:57 minutes)
  • VP of Construction - Anna Bautista (18:25 minutes)
  • Head of Business Development (Software) - Alex Heller (12:23 minutes)
  • Director of Learning & Development - Claire Lytton (05:04 minutes)
  • Solar Installation Supervisor - Shravan Joshi (07:08 minutes)
  • COO and Co-Founder (Agrivoltaics Development)- Savannah Whitfield (14:25 minutes)
  • Head of Business Development (Manufacturing) - Rebecca Guo (10:38 minutes)
  • Operations & Maintenance Technician and Solar Entrepreneur - Keith Rohman (04:30 minutes)
  • Chief Operating Officer - Osei David Andrews-Hutchinson (19:59 minutes)
  • Director of Growth - Alex Snedeker (10:29 minutes)
  • Lead Installer, Service Tech, and Electrical Apprentice - Jan Scott (13:37 minutes)
  • Project Manager - Dylan Reitenbach (06:42 minutes)
  • Craft Recruiter - Renewable Energy - DJ Barrett (12:01 minutes)
  • Sr. Manager Project Development, Energy Solutions Team - Chris Brown (12:42 minutes)
  • Solar Designer and Solar Entrepreneur - Anthony Gianfrancesco (15:23 minutes)
  • Resources for Veterans - Richard Lawrence (09:12 minutes)
Module 5 • 3 assignments
Skills for the Industry and Opportunities to Learn

  • Skills for the Industry (05:28 minutes)
  • Opportunities to Learn & Grow (04:22 minutes)
  • NABCEP Certifications
Course 7 • 1 modules
Fundamentals: Solar PV
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Fundamentals: Solar PV

  • Solar PV 101 (1:12 hours) (01:12:04 hours)
  • Additional Resources
Course 8 • 1 modules
Investing in a Solar Project: Get Tax Benefits and Do Good
Module 1 • 6 assignments
How to Invest in a Solar Project: Get Tax Benefits and Do Good for the World

  • Introductions (06:47 minutes)
  • First Solar Projects (05:05 minutes)
  • Active and Passive Income, Sourcing Opportunities, and Building the Team (10:03 minutes)
  • Finding Investors, Biggest Constraints, and Future Growth Options (12:50 minutes)
  • Team Dynamics and Advice to New Investors (12:54 minutes)
  • Considerations around Risk and Final Thoughts (11:52 minutes)
Course 9 • 1 modules
Competing for Solar Talent in 2023
Module 1 • 7 assignments
Competing for Solar Talent

  • Introduction - Brian Hayden and Keith Cronin (02:19 minutes)
  • ReVision Energy - Vaughan Woodruff (18:00 minutes)
  • Namaste Solar - Alyssa Soares (10:39 minutes)
  • Q&A: Do the licensing certification bodies in your area accept solar hours? (05:14 minutes)
  • Q&A: How many people are on the training team? + What financial support do you have subsidizing the training? (07:13 minutes)
  • Q&A: What new jobs will be growing? + How are you sharing your apprenticeship model with other companies? (07:48 minutes)
  • Q&A: Final Lightning Round of Quick Questions (10:32 minutes)
Course 10 • 1 modules
Photovoltaic Systems and the 2014 National Electric Code (NEC)
Module 1 • 11 assignments
2014 NEC Material

Please Note that the NABCEP Certification Exam is based on the 2017 NEC.

This material covers the 2014 NEC which may still be applicable in some states.

Also related to the NABCEP exam NABCEP may only have 1 question that would have a different answer based on the 2014 vs. 2017 NEC from what I have heard. The 2017 NEC question asked about the Rapid Shutdown array boundary. In the 2017 NEC it is 1 foot and in the 2014 NEC it was not defined as the array boundary, however it was 10 feet. Another thing that could be different is the temperature adder that was in the 2014 NEC for conduit over a rooftop in sunlight has been removed in the 2017 (& 2020) NEC. If you have time and are planning to sit for a NABCEP Certification exam, I would say to study this material, however some students get worried that they are studying the 2014 NEC when preparing for a 2017 NEC exam. I have even seen 2014 NEC questions on the NABCEP Inspector exam that was supposed to be 2017 based.

  • The Exam Room and Lots More National Electric Code Part 1 (40:24 minutes)
  • The Exam Room and Lots More National Electric Code Part 2 (41:55 minutes)
  • National Electric Code Part 1 (23:50 minutes)
  • National Electric Code Part 2 (31:07 minutes)
  • The National Electrical Code - Part 1 (37:54 minutes)
  • The National Electrical Code - Part 2 (32:12 minutes)
  • The National Electrical Code - Part 3 (28:18 minutes)
  • The National Electrical Code - Part 4 (20:06 minutes)
  • The National Electrical Code - Part 5 (19:50 minutes)
  • Article 690 Part 1 (45:17 minutes)
  • Article 690 Part 2 (36:50 minutes)
Course 11 • 1 modules
Battery Capacity - The Basis of Storage
Module 1 • 4 assignments
Video, Resources, Call-In Information, and Questions

In this module, you'll watch the video lecture, check out the supporting resources, and download an MP3 recording of a 1-hour Q+A call with Christopher LaForge.

  • Battery Capacity - The Basis of Storage (39:42 minutes)
  • 1-hour Q+A Call Recording (.mp3)
  • Article: Energy Storage Basics for Solar PV by Christopher LaForge
  • Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Course 12 • 1 modules
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): energy storage & solar tax credits
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): energy storage & solar tax credits.

  • Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): energy storage & solar tax credits. (01:06:25 hours)
  • Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Slide Deck (.pdf)
Course 13 • 1 modules
Overview of Electric Distribution Systems
Module 1 • 5 assignments
Overview of Electric Distribution Systems

  • Part 1 - Introduction to Course (10:11 minutes)
  • Part 2 - Electric Distribution Systems (20:08 minutes)
  • Part 3 - Principal Electric Distribution Equipment (13:53 minutes)
  • Part 4 - Distribution System Challenges (24:22 minutes)
  • Class Presentation Materials (.pdf)
Course 14 • 1 modules
Beyond Zero Net Energy: PV + Storage
Module 1 • 1 assignments
Video Lecture

In this module, Marc Rosenbaum looks at the potential for battery storage to greatly increase the fraction of a house’s annual load that can be served onsite by solar electricity if battery storage is added. Can we get closer to the Holy Grail of a 100% autonomous, renewably powered house?

  • Lecture: Beyond Zero Net Energy (27:05 minutes)
Course 15 • 2 modules
Qualifying Commercial Solar Leads & Projects
Module 1 • 1 assignments
Course Overview & Introduction

  • Course Overview (15:12 minutes)
Module 2 • 5 assignments
Qualifying Commercial & Industrial Leads

  • Gathering Customer Information (08:20 minutes)
  • Design & Sizing (06:57 minutes)
  • Return on Investment (20:31 minutes)
  • Conclusion (07:55 minutes)
  • Presentation Slides (.pdf)
Course 16 • 1 modules
Energy Policy: Women in Solar
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Watch the Women in Solar Lecture

Watch the free 50 minute lecture

  • Watch the Lecture (51:11 minutes)
  • HeatSpring's Solar Women Career Guide (.pdf)
Course 17 • 8 modules
IronRidge’s Installing on Pitched Roof – Comp Shingle – Course
Welcome • 4 assignments
Orientation Materials

This is a free course. We take pride in our free courses, but keep in mind that this is only a taste of what we do in a full HeatSpring course. You can get started immediately after you enroll.

  • Introduction to IronRidge (03:00 minutes)
  • How ICP Works (01:42 minutes)
  • About IronRidge Installer Certification
  • Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Module 1 • 5 assignments
Introduction to Solar PV

  • Intro to Solar PV (04:37 minutes)
  • Rail-based racking systems (03:56 minutes)
  • Codes & Standards (07:10 minutes)
  • Recap (14 seconds)
  • Module 1 Quiz
Module 2 • 6 assignments
Introduction to Roofing Systems

  • Roof Types & Pitches (02:34 minutes)
  • Roof Anatomy (01:38 minutes)
  • Composition Asphalt Shingles (02:50 minutes)
  • Roof Attachments & Applications (01:28 minutes)
  • Recap (08 seconds)
  • Module 2 Quiz
Module 3 • 13 assignments
Rail-Based Racking

  • Flush Mount System Overview (01:04 minutes)
  • Design Considerations (02:20 minutes)
  • Required Tools & Supplies (01:52 minutes)
  • Roofing Sealant (02:08 minutes)
  • Project Plans (49 seconds)
  • Module Orientation (36 seconds)
  • Roof Zones (01:53 minutes)
  • Know Your Jobsite (01:02 minutes)
  • Ladder Placement & Equipment (02:55 minutes)
  • Roof Hazards & Conditions (01:50 minutes)
  • Staging Tools & Materials (03:18 minutes)
  • Recap (18 seconds)
  • Module 3 Quiz
Module 4 • 6 assignments
Marking Array Dimensions

  • Laying Out The Array (03:27 minutes)
  • Module Clamping Zones & Rail Spacing (04:45 minutes)
  • Determining Rafter Locations (04:06 minutes)
  • Marking Attachment Locations (27 seconds)
  • Recap (10 seconds)
  • Module 4 Quiz
Module 5 • 11 assignments
Installing Attachments

  • Installing Roof Attachments (49 seconds)
  • Required Tools & Materials (42 seconds)
  • Drilling Pilot Holes (01:43 minutes)
  • Sealing Missed Pilot Holes (01:31 minutes)
  • Preparing Attachment Locations (49 seconds)
  • Flashing Features (01:06 minutes)
  • Removing Nails (01:37 minutes)
  • Aligning the Flashing (01:01 minutes)
  • Pro Tips (38 seconds)
  • Recap (09 seconds)
  • Module 5 Quiz
Module 6 • 9 assignments
Flush Mount Racking

  • Flush Mount Racking Assembly (02:12 minutes)
  • Determining Rail Lengths & Making Cut List (01:39 minutes)
  • Cutting & Splicing Rails (02:16 minutes)
  • Squaring & Levelling Rails (02:11 minutes)
  • Array Grounding Components (01:42 minutes)
  • Attaching Module-Level Power Electronics (02:11 minutes)
  • Housekeeping (32 seconds)
  • Recap (12 seconds)
  • Module 6 Quiz
Module 7 • 5 assignments
Wire Management

  • Wire Management (03:00 minutes)
  • Wiring Plans (02:23 minutes)
  • Junction Boxes & Conduit (03:03 minutes)
  • Recap (10 seconds)
  • Module 7 Quiz
Module 8 • 7 assignments
Module Installation

  • Solar Module Installation (04:54 minutes)
  • Connecting MLPE Devices (02:34 minutes)
  • Securing Modules to Rails (02:37 minutes)
  • Trimming Rails & Hiding Ends (02:40 minutes)
  • Recap (12 seconds)
  • Course Summary (16 seconds)
  • Module 8 Quiz
Conclusion • 4 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources

This is our last module but you still have access to the all of course materials so keep working and you'll be able to complete the course at your own pace. Enjoy the course and keep in touch!

  • IronRidge Installer Certification Final Test
  • Take the next step: IronRidge Installer Certification
  • Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
  • Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 18 • 2 modules
Utility-Scale Solar PV and Distribution Voltage Challenges
Module 1 • 4 assignments
Utility-Scale Solar PV and Distribution Voltage Challenges

  • Welcome - Brittany Heller, HeatSpring (01:43 minutes)
  • Presentation - Tim Taylor, Electrical Distribution Academy (01:03:28 hours)
  • Optional - Download the slides for Tim's presentation (.pdf)
  • Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Module 2 • 6 assignments
Optional Q&A Discussion

  • Can smart inverters solve for rapid voltage change mitigation? (04:40 minutes)
  • Are there any sources / references of a grounding transformer basic considerations to properly define them? (02:11 minutes)
  • Which 1547 advanced inverter functions are most useful for managing voltage and current on distribution circuits? (07:35 minutes)
  • Do you recommend increasing neutral size in utilities with PV system? (01:57 minutes)
  • Can regulators with more modern electronic control provide better control to avoid excessive single-step operation where there is a bandwidth issue? (02:12 minutes)
  • What type of earthing system you can recommend for pv system setup? (01:17 minutes)
Course 19 • 1 modules
Unconventional Solar Applications
Module 1 • 7 assignments
Unconventional Solar Applications - WEBINAR

  • Introduction (01:24 minutes)
  • Solar Greenhouse with Chris LaForge (08:16 minutes)
  • Solar Greenhouse Q&A with Chris LaForge (07:55 minutes)
  • Solar Power for Artists and Energy Transition Design with Alex Nathanson (09:37 minutes)
  • Solar Power for Artists Q&A with Alex Nathanson (09:36 minutes)
  • The Footprint Project and Building Back Greener with Will Heegaard (15:10 minutes)
  • The Footprint Project Q&A with Will Heegaard (05:49 minutes)
Course 20 • 1 modules
Resilient Community Microgrids: An Introduction
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Resilient Community Microgrids: An Introduction

  • Resilient Community Microgrids: An Introduction (26:09 minutes)
  • Community Microgrid Control System (.png)
Course 21 • 1 modules
Introduction to Zero Net Energy Buildings
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Introduction to Zero Net Energy Homes (Lecture)

In this module you can access the course lecture and a PDF copy of the corresponding slides.

  • Introduction to Zero Net Energy Homes (32:16 minutes) Preview
  • Presentation slides (.pdf)
Course 22 • 1 modules
Commercial Photovoltaic Design - Integrating Commercial Scale Storage
Module 1 • 3 assignments
Lecture Video

In this module, you'll listen to Christopher LaForge's lecture where he'll teach you ways in which commercial scale storage will affect the market for commercial clients, some of the major players currently in hte expanding field and the different ways small utilities will benefit from this scale of storage added to Commercial PV arrays.

  • Lecture Video (10:53 minutes)
  • Exotics (10:54 minutes)
  • Exotics (10:54 minutes)
Course 23 • 1 modules
Accurately Calculate the "Avoided Cost" of A Solar Project
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Accurately calculating – avoided cost of solar

  • Accurately calculating – avoided cost of solar (23:22 minutes)
  • Slide deck (.pdf)
Course 24 • 1 modules
Low Carbon Building
Module 1 • 5 assignments
Low Carbon Building: Getting to Real Zero

In this module, you'll watch the lecture video and check out a couple of supplementary resources.

  • READ: Course Learning Objectives (PDF) (.pdf)
  • Presentation Slides (PDF) (.pdf)
  • REFERENCE: Required Reading Assignments (PDF) (.pdf)
  • Low Carbon Building: Getting to Real Zero (47:03) (47:01 minutes)
  • 10 Questions, Multiple Choice
Course 25 • 1 modules
NEM Paired Storage: Why it Matters
Module 1 • 2 assignments
NEM Paired Storage: Why it Matters

  • NEM Paired Storage: Why it Matters (49:17 minutes)
  • Slide Deck (.pdf)
Course 26 • 1 modules
Why Solar Plus Storage?
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Why Solar + Storage

  • Why Solar + Storage? (11:52 minutes)
  • Why Solar+Storage NOW? (07:23 minutes)
Course 27 • 1 modules
Solar Ready vs Solar Right
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Solar Ready vs Solar Right

  • Solar Ready vs Solar Right (01:05:33 hours)
  • Additional Resources
Course 28 • 1 modules
Future-proofing Solar PV savings with Energy Storage
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Future-proofing Solar PV savings with Energy Storage

  • Future-proofing Solar PV savings with Energy Storage (18:17 minutes)
  • Presentation Materials (.pdf)
Course 29 • 1 modules
The Kroska Case Study: Solar PV Systems with Storage
Module 1 • 1 assignments
Watch Christopher LaForge's Free Lecture

Watch 'The Kroska Case Study: Solar PV Systems with Storage' here.

  • The Kroska Case Study: Solar PV Systems with Storage (17 minutes) (17:46 minutes)
Course 30 • 1 modules
Construction Communication Methodology
Module 1 • 6 assignments
Construction Communication Methodology

  • Introduction to the Course and Your Instructor - Construction Communication Methodology - Part 1 (07:16 minutes)
  • Construction Communication Methodology - Part 2 (17:06 minutes)
  • Construction Communication Methodology - Part 3 (13:31 minutes)
  • Presentation Slides (.pdf)
  • Additional Resource Sheets (.pdf)
  • Connect with Amy on LinkedIn

Continuing Education Units

Approved for the following CEUs

  • NABCEP Advanced Credit Hours
  • NABCEP RE Elective
  • NABCEP PV Associate Renewal
  • IronRidge Solar PV Installation Certification

Approved NABCEP CEU Hours

NABCEP Registered Provider

This course counts towards the training requirements for taking NABCEP professional certification exams and CEUs for renewing all certifications.


Frequently asked questions

How does this course work?
This is a free course. Enroll today and get access to all of the materials instantly. This is a self-study, self-paced course and you can set your own schedule to complete the materials. You can begin the lecture videos and other course materials as soon as you enroll.
How long do I have access to the materials?
For free courses there is no guarantee for how long the course materials will be available.
Is there a certificate of completion?
Certificates of completion are only provided to HeatSpring Membership subscribers. This course has not been approved by any credentialing organizations (NABCEP, AIA, USGBC etc) for Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). This course is for self education purposes only and completion does not indicate a level of professional expertise or credential.
Can I register multiple people?
Yes, this is a free course so you can share this page with other people from your team.


Based on 7447 reviews from the 30 courses in this bundle

I really enjoy this course everything was good and brief I really enjoyed learning about the PV designs thank you for that

Ahmad Williams

The course is very informing so make sure you listen up for close details, teaches us new vocabulary and breaks down how things should be done.

BreNaia Johnson Roberson

The course covers in a simple way the development of a commercial project and suggests effective communication with the property owner.

Fariborz Mahjouri

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