This is a bundle of these 6 courses
About this course
Dive into the fastest growing segment in the industry with this all-access pass to understanding the ins and outs of utility-scale solar construction, from the ground up.
- Solar industry market dynamics
- Electrical fundamentals for PV sites
- Industry-specific project management practices
- Construction process deep-dive
- Construction drawings comprehension: electrical, civil, and mechanicalÂ
- Quality management best practices
- Operations and maintenance strategies
- Career planning and advancement
Perfect for:
- Aspiring Solar Project Managers
- Site Superintendents
- Future VPs of Construction or Operations
- Anyone looking to lead in utility-scale solar
Subjects covered
Bundle outline
Course 1 •
Utility-Scale Solar PV Fundamentals
Welcome • 2 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 2 assignments
Growth of the Solar Industry
- The Growth of the Solar Industry (10:02 minutes)
- How the Inflation Reduction Act will Supercharge Solar in the US
Module 2 • 9 assignments
Basics of Solar PV
- The Basics of Electricity (13:15 minutes)
- The Basics of Electricity - Quiz
- Electrical Flow on a Utility-Scale Solar Site (09:27 minutes)
- Electrical Flow - Quiz
- Key Players in the Utility-Scale Solar (11:13 minutes)
- Basics of Solar PV (Optional Download) (.pdf)
- Construction of a Large Scale Solar PV Plant
- Materials and Additional Resources
- Pre-Construction Checklist (.xlsx)
Conclusion • 4 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 2 •
Utility-Scale Solar Construction & Project Management
Welcome • 4 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Introduction to the Course (16:14 minutes) Preview
- Introduction to the Course (.pdf)
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 15 assignments
Engineering and Procurement
- Engineering - Basics of Solar (14:27 minutes)
- Engineering - Basics of Solar - Quiz
- Engineering - Electrical Flow (07:32 minutes)
- Engineering - Electrical Flow - Quiz
- Engineering - Design (12:35 minutes)
- Engineering - Design - Quiz
- Design - Additional Resources & Links
- Procurement - Materials (08:35 minutes)
- Procurement - Materials - Quiz
- Materials - Additional Resources and Links
- Read the Additional Resources and Post a Question on the Discussion Board
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Basics (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Electrical Flow (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Design (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Materials (.pdf)
Module 2 • 8 assignments
Development & Owners Engineering
- Development - Early Stage (09:40 minutes)
- Development - Engineering and Permitting (07:56 minutes)
- Development - Pre-Execution (08:43 minutes)
- A Guide for Developers and Investors (.pdf)
- How the Inflation Reduction Act will Supercharge Solar in the US
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Early Stage (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Engineering and Permitting (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Pre-Execution (.pdf)
Module 3 • 27 assignments
- Construction - Basics (20:24 minutes)
- Construction - Basics - Quiz
- Safety Practices
- Journey to Safety Excellence
- Construction - Mechanical (10:06 minutes)
- Construction - Mechanical - Quiz
- Mechanical - Additional Resources - Sunfolding
- Erthos - Solar, Simplified
- Construction - Electrical (06:47 minutes)
- Construction - Electrical - Quiz
- Construction - Tools & Equipment (03:36 minutes)
- Construction - Tools & Equipment - Quiz
- Construction - Quality (10:54 minutes)
- Construction - Quality - Quiz
- Quality - Additional Links and Resources
- Construction - Field Engineering (04:09 minutes)
- Construction - Field Engineering - Quiz
- Assignment - Racking Systems Analysis Template (.docx)
- Assignment - Racking Systems Analysis
- Optional - Job Hazard Analysis (.doc)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Basics (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Mechanical (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Electrical (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Tools & Equipment (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Quality (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video - Field Engineering (.pdf)
- Pre-Construction Checklist (.xlsx)
Module 4 • 7 assignments
Commissioning, Testing & Next Steps
- Commissioning & Testing (12:42 minutes)
- Commissioning - Quiz
- Expanding Your Opportunities (11:23 minutes)
- Additional Resources (youtube webinar)
- Additional Resource (PVTech Article) (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video (Expanding your Opportunities) (.pdf)
- Optional - Download the slides for the next video (Commissioning) (.pdf)
Conclusion • 6 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- Join the Exclusive LinkedIn Page for Additional Connections & Discussion
- Post about your positive experience with your network!
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 3 •
Understanding Utility-Scale Solar Construction Drawings
Welcome • 3 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
- Get FREE Access to Andy's Foundations of Solar PV: Fundamentals for Understanding Utility Scale Solar
Module 1 • 3 assignments
Introduction to the Course
- Introduction to the Course (06:50 minutes) Preview
- Introduction to the Course (optional download) (.pdf)
- A Guide for Developers and Investors (.pdf)
Module 2 • 8 assignments
Basics of Drawings
- Construction Drawing Basics & Types of Drawings (10:38 minutes)
- Drawing Generation (08:27 minutes)
- Permitting Process and Modifications (05:21 minutes)
- Basics of Construction Drawings (optional download) (.pdf)
- Basics of Drawings Quiz
- Basics of Bluebeam Revu
- Basics of Adobe Acrobat
- Additional Resources & Links
Module 3 • 13 assignments
Details of Drawings
- Common Sheets with (Most) Drawing Sets and Sheet Specific Fundamentals (12:30 minutes)
- Revision History, Scale, and Sheet Details (04:49 minutes)
- Electrical Drawings - Part 1 (11:32 minutes)
- Electrical Drawings - Part 2 (09:50 minutes)
- Civil Drawings - Part 1 (15:17 minutes)
- Civil Drawings - Part 2 (06:07 minutes)
- Mechanical Drawings (12:45 minutes)
- Final Thoughts (01:51 minutes)
- Details of Construction Drawings (optional download) (.pdf)
- Details of Drawings Quiz
- Topography & Contour Lines
- Using an Architectural Scale on Construction Drawings
- Using Bluebeam's Calibrate Scale Feature
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- Share the course on LinkedIn and with your wider network!
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 4 •
Quality Management in Utility-Scale Solar Construction
Welcome • 5 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Get FREE Access to Andy's Foundations of Solar PV: Fundamentals for Understanding Utility Scale Solar
- Introduction to the Course (08:54 minutes)
- Introduction to the Course (optional download) (.pdf)
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 6 assignments
Quality Management Principles
We’ll then look at some wider quality management principles – gaining a general understanding of concepts like customer focus, continual improvement, process based planning and using data to make good decisions.
And finally, we’ll wrap up this section by diving into Quality Assurance and Quality Control – or QA/QC. These are two concepts that are often used in the same breath, and many people don’t actually understand the core differences between these two components of a quality management system – so I think it’s worthwhile spending some time discussing the differences and interactions between QA and QC.
- Quality Management Principles (13:13 minutes)
- Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control (03:47 minutes)
- Quality Management Principles (optional download) (.pdf)
- Quality Management Principles - Quiz
- Commissioning - Additional Resource (PVTech Article) (.pdf)
- Top Causes of Solar Performance Issues
Module 2 • 7 assignments
Ensuring Quality in Utility Scale Solar Construction
We’ll then spend some time talking about drawings, and making sure that we have a thorough understanding of why well detailed engineering drawings, solid revision control and good RFI processes are so critical for a high quality project.
We’ll touch base on quality documentation, and best practices for designing and managing this paperwork.
And then we’ll finish up by going through lessons learned procedures and how to ensure ongoing improvement is a part of your teams’ culture.
- Planning for Quality (08:07 minutes)
- Inspections (10:15 minutes)
- Documentation (04:24 minutes)
- Lesson Learnt (02:11 minutes)
- Ensuring Quality in Utility Scale Solar Construction (optional download) (.pdf)
- Quality in Utility Scale Solar - Quiz
- Sample FAI and QC Checklist Templates (.xlsx)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
- Post about your positive experience with your network!
Course 5 •
Introduction to Utility-Scale Solar Operations & Maintenance
Welcome • 3 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
- Get FREE Access to Andy's Foundations of Solar PV: Fundamentals for Understanding Utility Scale Solar
Module 1 • 5 assignments
Introduction to Utility Scale Solar Operations & Maintenance
- Introduction to the Course (07:34 minutes)
- Introduction to the Course (optional download) (.pdf)
- Key Components in a Utility Scale Solar Power Plant
- A Guide for Developers and Investors (.pdf)
- Safety Practices
Module 2 • 13 assignments
Basics of Solar O&M
- Introduction to Solar O&M (05:22 minutes)
- Safety Considerations for O&M (15:42 minutes)
- NFPA and OSHA (06:06 minutes)
- Transitioning from EPC to O&M (05:59 minutes)
- Basics of Solar O&M (Optional Download) (.pdf)
- Why do Solar PV systems need Maintenance?
- Solar O&M Webinar
- Solar O&M Tools
- A Day in the Life of a Renewables Technician
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - Best Practices for O&M
- Getting a job in Solar O&M
- Testing and Commissioning a Solar PV plant
- Basics of Solar O&M Quiz
Module 3 • 13 assignments
Advanced Solar O&M
- Tools for Solar O&M (13:35 minutes)
- Monitoring and Performance (10:30 minutes)
- Vegetation Management (03:19 minutes)
- Asset and Warranty Management (08:16 minutes)
- Real Time Operations (11:55 minutes)
- Advanced Solar O&M (Optional Download) (.pdf)
- Best Practices in Solar O&M - PV Magazine Article
- Operational Excellence in Solar PV O&M
- Technological Solutions to improve Solar O&M Plant Performance
- Solar Trends and Troubleshooting PV Systems
- Top 5 Solar Design Mistakes and Improvements
- How Robots may affect Solar O&M...
- Advanced Solar O&M Quiz
Conclusion • 4 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 6 •
Career Path: Leadership in Utility-Scale Solar Construction
Module 1 • 6 assignments
Learn more about this career path
- Introduction to Leadership in Utility Scale Solar (20:28 minutes)
- Introduction to the Course (optional download) (.pdf)
- Explore the IREC Solar Career Map
- 2023 IREC Career Job Census
- How the Inflation Reduction Act will Supercharge Solar in the US
- Workers flock to renewable energy jobs
Module 2 • 8 assignments
Interviews and perspectives from people doing these jobs
- Project Manager - Dylan Reitenbach (06:42 minutes)
- Head of Business Development (Manufacturing) - Rebecca Guo (10:38 minutes)
- Construction Manager - Becky Sorenson (19:23 minutes)
- VP of Construction - Anna Bautista (18:25 minutes)
- Podcast - Solars Biggest Risk - Not Enough Workers!
- Podcast - Bringing Solar Jobs to the Midwest
- Podcast - The Future of Working in Renewable Energy
- Podcast - Managing Large Scale Solar for Success
Module 3 • 3 assignments
Tips for Expanding your Career Opportunities
- Expanding your Opportunities (10:48 minutes)
- Expanding your Opportunities (optional download) (.pdf)
- Take the next step in your utility scale solar career with a targeted course!
Continuing Education Units
Approved for the following CEUs
- NABCEP Advanced Credit Hours
- NABCEP RE Elective
- NABCEP PV Associate Renewal
Approved NABCEP CEU Hours
NABCEP Credential | Advanced Hours for Exam | Recertification CEU Hours | NEC | JTA | RE Elective | Building or Fire Code |
8.5 | 8.5 | 0 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 0 | |
0 | 8.5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
6.5 | 8.5 | 0 | 6.5 | 8.5 | 0 | |
0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | |
6.5 | 8.5 | 0 | 6.5 | 8.5 | 0 | |
6.5 | 8.5 | 0 | 6.5 | 8.5 | 0 | |
8.5 | 8.5 | 0 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 0 |
NABCEP Registered Provider

This course counts towards the training requirements for taking NABCEP professional certification exams and CEUs for renewing all certifications.

Andy Nyce
I'm Andy Nyce - originally from New Zealand, but I've spent the last nine years in the United States in a range of engineering, construction, project management and quality control roles in the large scale renewables industry. I've been directly involved in over 2GW of execution at every level of installation, management and commissioning. I'm currently the Sr....