About this course

The need for experienced and knowledgeable solar service technicians is growing quickly to keep pace with residential solar deployment. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the residential solar market experienced its 6th consecutive record year in 2022, growing 40% over 2021 with 5.9 GW installed. That is a lot of residential solar systems to maintain so that they can continue operating optimally.

That's why instructors Sean White and Keith Rohman have teamed up in this Residential Solar Service Technician Training Package. First, students will strengthen their understanding of the National Electrical Code as well as relevant building and fire codes with Sean. Students will then dive into solar service specifics with Keith, including the basics of O&M, safety precautions, service site visit best practices, preventative maintenance measures, and a primary focus on field troubleshooting with real-world residential solar O&M issues and their solutions.

This is an advanced training package recommended for students with previous experience in safely installing residential solar systems prior to enrolling.

Ready To Sign Up Today? Click Here to Enroll

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Bundle outline

2 courses • 8 modules

Course 1 • 3 modules
30-Hour NABCEP Advanced PV Certification Training and CEUs
Welcome • 24 assignments
Orientation Materials

This course is self-paced, so you don’t need to be logged in at any specific time. You can get started immediately after you enroll and the course materials will remain in your account with minimum guaranteed access for 12 months (1 year) after enrollment.

  • 2017 NEC Free Download (NABCEP is still on 2017)
  • Purchase a copy of "Solar PV Engineering and Installation 2nd Edition" &/or "PV and the NEC 2nd Edition" (.pdf)
  • Navigating the Course
  • Introduction Part 1 (03:48 minutes)
  • Introduction Part 2 (09:00 minutes)
  • Set up email notifications and your student profile
  • Introduction Part 3 (03:38 minutes)
  • Introduction Part 4 (01:03 minutes)
  • Introduce yourself on the discussion board
  • Introduction Part 5 (48 seconds)
  • A Quick Look at the Video Player Controls (27 seconds)
  • Connect with your instructor Sean on LinkedIn
  • Reading: 2019 NABCEP PV Certification Study Guide (.pdf)
  • Review: NABCEP Job Task Analysis (.pdf)
  • Announcement regarding NABCEP Certification Exams and the NEC Adoption
  • Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code Book by Sean White and Bill Brooks
  • Feedback from an highly knowledgable student after taking and passing the NABCEP PVIP exam:
  • Introducing Bill Brooks! (14:40 minutes) Preview
  • Go-At-Your-Own-Pace
  • Discussion Board Request from Sean and Notes on Posting Discussion Board Questions
  • Live Online Proctoring (LOP) for All NABCEP Exams!
  • Calculator and NEC Codebook Rules from Scantron Testing Centers (currently Meazure Learning) for NABCEP Certification Exams
  • Books and resources
  • Free Additional Practice Exam
Module 1 • 41 assignments
Module 1

This week will introduce many of the concepts that will be covered on the exam.

  • NEC Article 100 Definitions Part 1 (29:57 minutes)
  • NEC Article 100 Definitions Part 2 (16:35 minutes)
  • NEC Article 100 Definitions Part 3 (17:55 minutes)
  • NEC Article 110 Requirements for Electrical Installations Part 1 (19:39 minutes) Preview
  • NEC Article 110 Requirements for Electrical Installations Part 2 (19:49 minutes)
  • NEC Article 200 Grounded Conductors Part 1 (16:40 minutes)
  • NEC Article 200 Grounded Conductors Part 2 (16:44 minutes)
  • NEC Articles 210 Branch Circuits, 215 Feeders and 230 Services (20:47 minutes)
  • NEC Article 240 Overcurrent Protection Part 1 (22:47 minutes)
  • NEC Article 240 Overcurrent Protection Part 2 (19:51 minutes)
  • NEC Article 250 Grounding and Bonding Part 1 (26:36 minutes) Preview
  • NEC Article 250 Grounding and Bonding Part 2 (21:14 minutes)
  • NEC Article 300 General Requirements for Wiring Methods and Materials Part 1 (15:06 minutes)
  • NEC Article 300 General Requirements for Wiring Methods and Materials Part 2 (21:46 minutes)
  • NEC Article 310 Conductors for General Wiring Part 1 (14:57 minutes) Preview
  • NEC Article 310 Conductors for General Wiring Part 2 (18:53 minutes)
  • NEC Article 310 Conductors for General Wiring Part 3 (21:11 minutes)
  • 320 to 358 Common Wiring Methods like EMT Part 1 (15:19 minutes)
  • 320 to 358 Common Wiring Methods like EMT Part 2 (17:27 minutes)
  • NEC Chapter 4 Featuring Article 480! Part 1 (15:38 minutes)
  • NEC Chapter 4 Featuring Article 480! Part 2 (17:11 minutes)
  • NEC Chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8 (12:20 minutes)
  • NEC Chapter 9 Tables Part 1 (28:19 minutes)
  • NEC Chapter 9 Tables Part 2 (19:32 minutes)
  • NEC Chapter 9 Tables Part 3 (15:09 minutes)
  • Informational Annexes (11:16 minutes)
  • Lesson 1 (24:27 minutes)
  • Code-Compliant Conductor Sizing - SolarPro (PDF) (.pdf)
  • Code Compliant Conductor Sizing: a 2021 take on a 2011 SolarPro Article Part 1 (16:41 minutes)
  • Code Compliant Conductor Sizing: a 2021 take on a 2011 SolarPro Article Part 2 (18:55 minutes)
  • Building and Fire Codes with Bill Brooks Part 1- 2020 NFPA 855 Energy Storage Systems, IRC, IBC, IFC, NFPA 1, ICC (08:41 minutes)
  • Building and Fire Codes with Bill Brooks Part 2 Roof Setbacks (30:55 minutes)
  • Building and Fire Codes with Bill Brooks Part 3 The ICC i-codes (13:40 minutes)
  • Solar Building and Fire Codes Video 1 Part 1 (optional) (14:29 minutes)
  • Solar Building and Fire Codes Video 1 Part 2 (optional) (20:53 minutes)
  • Solar Building and Fire Codes Video 2 (optional) (23:14 minutes)
  • Solar Building and Fire Codes Video 3 (optional) (21:06 minutes)
  • Solar Building and Fire Codes Video 4 Part 1 (optional) (21:48 minutes)
  • Solar Building and Fire Codes Video 4 Part 2 (optional) (23:51 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks on Rapid Shutdown Part 1 Outside of the Array Boundary (14:57 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks on Rapid Shutdown Part 2 inside of the Array Boundary (20:17 minutes)
Module 2 • 60 assignments
Module 2

This week you will set aside 4 hours to take the 70-question practice exam and see how you do.

  • Where To Get Information - Part 1 (07:24 minutes)
  • Where To Get Information - Part 2 (11:26 minutes)
  • Trigonometry Review Part 1 (19:19 minutes)
  • Trigonometry Review Part 2 (14:34 minutes)
  • Introduction to Voltage Temperature Calculations (01:09 minutes)
  • Voltage Temperature Calculations - Part 1 (04:45 minutes)
  • Voltage Temperature Calculations - Part 2 (11:50 minutes)
  • Voltage Temperature Calculations - Part 3 (05:57 minutes)
  • Voltage Temperature Calculations - Part 4 (02:29 minutes)
  • Voltage Temperature Calculations - Part 5 (04:23 minutes)
  • String Sizing Formula
  • Read: Chapter 4 in "Solar PV Engineering and Installation" - Article 705: Interconnections
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 1 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 690 photovoltaic (PV) systems
  • 2017 NEC Video 1 - Introduction to 690.2 (18:42 minutes) Preview
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 2 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 690 photovoltaic systems part II circuit requirements
  • 2017 NEC Video 2 - 690.7 Voltage (16:59 minutes)
  • 2017 NEC Video 3 - 690.8 Current (22:18 minutes)
  • 2017 NEC Video 4 - 690.9 Overcurrent Protection (14:13 minutes)
  • 2017 NEC Video 5 - 690.10 Stand-Alone Systems and 690.11 DC Arc-Fault Protection (06:00 minutes)
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 3 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Section 690.12 rapid shutdown
  • 2017 NEC Video 6 - 690.12 Rapid Shutdown Showdown Part 1 (21:12 minutes)
  • 2017 NEC Video 6 - 690.12 Rapid Shutdown Showdown Part 2 (25:23 minutes)
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 4 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 690 part III disconnecting means
  • 2017 NEC Video 7 - 690 Part III Disconnecting Means (19:32 minutes)
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 5 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 690 part IV wiring methods
  • 2017 NEC Video 8 - 690 Part IV Wiring Methods (30:06 minutes)
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 6 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 690 part V grounding and bonding
  • 2017 NEC Video 9 - 690 Part V Grounding and Bonding Part 1 (18:01 minutes)
  • 2017 NEC Video 9 - 690 Part V Grounding and Bonding Part 2 (17:04 minutes)
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 7 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 690 part VI to the end of 690
  • 2017 NEC Video 10 - 690 Part VI to End of Article 690 (23:03 minutes)
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 8 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 691 large-scale photovoltaic (PV) electric power production facility
  • 2017 NEC Video 11 - 691 Large-Scale Photovoltaic (19:10 minutes)
  • Grounding electrode schemes and transformers with emphasis on utility-scale (double advanced topic). (21:27 minutes)
  • Suggested Reading Assignment: Read Chapter 9 in "Photovoltaic Systems and the National Electric Code (2017 edition)" - Article 705 interconnected electric power production sources
  • 2017 NEC Video 12 - 705 Interconnected Power Production Sources Part 1 (25:51 minutes)
  • 2017 NEC Video 12 - 705 Interconnected Power Production Sources Part 2 (20:46 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks talks Energy Storage Systems Part 1 (22:29 minutes) Preview
  • Bill Brooks talks Energy Storage Systems Part 2 (10:56 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks talks Storage Batteries Article 480 (03:30 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks talks EV Power Transfer Station (EV charging and EV to Grid) (05:38 minutes)
  • Bill gets excited talking about 705.13 Power Control Systems (08:16 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks on 705 Video 1 Supply and Load Side Connections (07:44 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks on 705 Video 2 with ESS Implications and Markets (11:51 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks on 705 Video 3 More 705.13 PCS and MIDs (08:04 minutes)
  • More EV to Grid-Full Circle with Bill Brooks (07:14 minutes) Preview
  • Bill Brooks on 705 Video 4 Supply-Side Connections and Microgrids (10:16 minutes)
  • Bill Brooks on 705 Video 5 Wire Sizing and Supply-Side Connections (05:52 minutes)
  • NEC Update for IPCs effective 1/1/23 even for the 2020 NEC.
  • Bill Brooks on 705 Video 6 Load-Side Connections (26:10 minutes)
  • PV UL Listing 1703 transitioned to UL 61730 (.pdf)
  • Wire Sizing (Chapter 12 PV and the NEC) Reading Assignment-advanced topic (.pdf)
  • Calculating Fault Currents with Bill Brooks-double advanced topic (34:07 minutes)
  • International Residential Code (IRC) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) with Bill Brooks (advanced topic) (27:36 minutes)
  • 2021 International Residential Code (IRC), International Building Code (IBC) and International Fire Code (IFC) with Bill Brooks (advanced topic) (16:21 minutes)
  • International Fire Code (IFC) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) with Bill Brooks (advanced topic) (07:42 minutes)
  • 2018 International Fire Code (IFC) for Energy Storage Systems (ESS) with Bill Brooks and related topics (32:20 minutes)
  • 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) with Bill Brooks (BB) (18:12 minutes)
  • UL PV Listing 61730 replacing UL 1703 for making the test work around the world and UL 3741 listing for Rapid Shutdown (Hazard Control Systems) with Bill Brooks PE (12:08 minutes)
  • UL 3741 Rapid Shutdown solution where the PV array can stay up to 1000V using SMA inverters with Sollega or Ironridge racks! (16:53 minutes)
Module 3 • 2 assignments
Practice Exam

  • Optional Materials, Including Practice Exams
  • NABCEP Practice Exam Answers with detailed explanations (.pdf)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources

This is our last module but you still have access to the all of course materials for 12 months (1 year), so keep working and you'll be able to complete the course at your own pace. After your year of access expires you can optionally extend access with a HeatSpring Membership. Enjoy the course and keep in touch!

  • Lots of additional optional videos and audio recordings
  • 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
  • Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
  • Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
  • Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 2 • 5 modules
Residential Field Operations & Maintenance
Welcome • 7 assignments
Orientation Materials

This course is self-paced, so you don’t need to be logged in at any specific time. You can get started immediately after you enroll and the course materials will remain in your account with minimum guaranteed access for 12 months (1 year) after enrollment.

  • Set up email notifications and your student profile
  • Meet Keith - Your Instructor for the Course (03:02 minutes)
  • Keith's Solar Career Journey (05:55 minutes)
  • Meet Brit - Supporting Instructor for the Course (01:11 minutes)
  • Introduce yourself on the discussion board
  • Intro to O&M (11:20 minutes)
  • Safety Basics (15:52 minutes)
Module 1 • 8 assignments

  • Introduction to Commissioning (06:51 minutes)
  • Free Access to NEC and NFPA 70E
  • Mechanical and Electrical Inspections (09:29 minutes)
  • Mechanical and Electrical Testing (15:32 minutes)
  • System Start Up & Witness Testing (09:20 minutes)
  • Monitoring & Communcations (05:40 minutes)
  • Project Wrap Up (08:17 minutes)
  • Solar United Neighbors - Solar Owner's Manual
Module 2 • 3 assignments
Preventative Maintenance

  • Preventive Maintenance Basics (23:38 minutes)
  • System Health Checks, P.M. Scopes, and Write-ups (10:49 minutes)
  • Thermal Imaging - A Sweet Tool in P.M. (03:30 minutes)
Module 3 • 36 assignments
Reactive Maintenance - Field O&M

  • Intro to Reactive Maintenance (02:06 minutes)
  • Critter Concerns (08:20 minutes)
  • Water Intrusion From Improper Conduit Fittings (14:55 minutes)
  • NEMA Bulletin (.pdf)
  • Junction Box Failures - Field Case Study 1 (14:43 minutes)
  • Inverter Troubleshoot - Blown Fuse (11:45 minutes)
  • Testing a Fuse From an AC Disconnect (03:41 minutes)
  • Inverter Troubleshoot - Thermal Event (16:13 minutes)
  • Intro: Ground Faults and Isolation Faults (06:02 minutes)
  • Iso Fault Field Example 1 (Technical Methodology) (08:02 minutes)
  • Iso Fault Field Example 1 (Locating and Repairing the Fault) (04:14 minutes)
  • Iso Fault Field Example 2 (05:47 minutes)
  • Intro To Communications (02:11 minutes)
  • Communications Troubleshoot Example 1 (04:22 minutes) Preview
  • Communications Troubleshoot Example 2 (03:42 minutes)
  • Enphase Technical Brief - Extenders (.pdf)
  • Communications Troubleshoot Example 3 (07:54 minutes)
  • Intro to Module Level Power Electronics (MLPEs) (07:43 minutes)
  • MLPE Service - Field Example 1 (13:05 minutes)
  • Broken and Damaged Modules (09:57 minutes)
  • Introduction To Roof Leaks (06:42 minutes)
  • Roof Leak Example 1 (05:50 minutes)
  • Roof Leak Example 2 (06:47 minutes)
  • Bad Breaker - Example 1 (08:58 minutes)
  • Testing a Breaker (03:09 minutes)
  • Bad Breaker - Example 2 (12:25 minutes)
  • Bad Breaker - Example 3 (03:43 minutes)
  • Incorrect Production or Consumption Readings – A Deep Dive into CTs (29:26 minutes)
  • Introduction to MC4 Connections (03:43 minutes)
  • MC4 Field Issues - Improperly Seated Connections (03:40 minutes)
  • MC4 Field Issues - Improper Water Sealing and Crimping (05:02 minutes)
  • MC4 Field Issues - Mating of Incompatible Connectors (04:49 minutes)
  • Solar Power World on Incompatible Connectors
  • MC4 Process - Part 1 (07:06 minutes)
  • MC4 Process - Part 2 (06:33 minutes)
  • Optional Discussion Board Post: Share one of your O&M service challenges
Module 4 • 3 assignments
Working with Equipment Manufacturers

  • Remote Diagnostics (11:51 minutes)
  • Importance of Working Equipment Manufacturers (04:02 minutes)
  • Energy Storage Manufacturer Installation Training Programs (.pdf)
Module 5 • 2 assignments
O&M Considerations

  • Important O&M Considerations (07:18 minutes)
  • Taking the NABCEP PV Commissioning and Maintenance Specialist Exam (05:04 minutes)
Conclusion • 4 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources

This is our last module but you still have access to the all of course materials for 12 months (1 year), so keep working and you'll be able to complete the course at your own pace. After your year of access expires you can optionally extend access with a HeatSpring Membership. Enjoy the course and keep in touch!

  • 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
  • Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
  • Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
  • Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate

Continuing Education Units

Approved for the following CEUs

  • NABCEP RE Elective
  • NABCEP Advanced Credit Hours
  • NABCEP PV Associate Renewal
  • NABCEP Building or Fire Code

Approved NABCEP CEU Hours

NABCEP Credential Advanced Hours for Exam Recertification CEU Hours NEC JTA RE Elective Building or Fire Code
36.5 36.5 6 36.5 24.5 2
0 18.5 0 0 0 0
15 30 6 20 18 2
24 36.5 6 30 24.5 2
24 36.5 6 30 24.5 2
36.5 36.5 0 26.5 36.5 2
30.5 36.5 6 36.5 24.5 2
0 6 6 0 0 0

NABCEP Registered Provider

This course counts towards the training requirements for taking NABCEP professional certification exams and CEUs for renewing all certifications.


  • Sean White

    2014 IREC Trainer of the Year, HeatSpring / White House Energy Inc. / Sean White Solar / Norcal Solar
    View profile

    Sean White was the 2014 Interstate Renewable Energy Council Trainer of the Year. He is an IREC Certified Solar PV Master Trainer and has authored several books on solar. He contributed to the development of the NABCEP PV Installation Professional Job Task Analysis and has been a member of the NABCEP PV Installation Professional Technical Committee. Sean is a... Learn more

  • Keith Rohman

    Electrician and Solar Technician
    View profile

    Keith got his start in the solar industry in 2017 with an entry-level solar installer position in Denver, Colorado. Previously, Keith obtained his bachelor’s degree from Illinois State University in Renewable Energy. For him, solar energy was a clear and holistic answer to tackle the problems of climate change and challenges people face gaining entry into the... Learn more

Frequently asked questions

How does this course work?
You can begin this online course instantly upon enrollment. This 1 module course is delivered entirely online. This course is self-paced and you can set your own schedule to complete the materials. You can begin the lecture videos and other course materials as soon as you enroll. During your year of access the instructor will be in the course answering questions on the discussion board every Friday. After successfully completing the course, you will be able to generate a certificate of completion.
How long do I have access to the materials?
Students get unlimited access to the course materials as soon as they enroll and for one year (365 days) after enrollment. Rewatch videos and review assignments as many times as you want. View updates the instructor makes to the course as the industry advances. Return to your course anytime with online access from anywhere in the world. After the one year of access expires, access can be extended by joining as a HeatSpring member. A single membership extends access to course materials for all past enrollments.
Is there a certificate of completion?
Yes, when you complete this course you are eligible for a certificate of completion from HeatSpring. You can download your certificate as soon as you have completed all of the course requirements. Students can easily share their verified certificates on their LinkedIn profiles using our LinkedIn integration.
Can I register multiple people?
Yes please visit our HeatSpring for Teams page to get a group discount.


Based on 356 reviews from the 2 courses in this bundle

Great course.

Jim Carbone
ECS Energy Limited

Very well taught course by two extremely knowledgeable people in the field!

Christopher Maingot

Sean and Bill are great instructors. I wish I had taken this course three years ago before I had taken my test. Thanks to Seans book I passed!

Jimmy Smith

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