Hydronic Heating & Cooling for Residential and Light Commercial Buildings

This is a bundle of these 7 courses
About this course
Subjects covered
Bundle outline
Course 1 •
Mastering Hydronic System Design
Welcome • 4 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Download the Software: Hydronics Design Studio 2.0 (Trial Version)
- Textbook Options (.pdf)
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 8 assignments
Welcome & Fundamentals
- Welcome to Class & Introduction (25:08 minutes)
- What you're going to learn + my philosophy of radiant design (26:01 minutes)
- The benefits of hydronic systems (28:08 minutes)
- Why I think this class is important (15:38 minutes) Preview
- Read Chapter 1 in the textbook
- OPTIONAL: Visit www.pmmag.com to view archives and related content
- WEEK 1 HOMEWORK: Chapter 1 Exercises 1-10 (.DOC) (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 1 Homework (.pdf)
Module 2 • 10 assignments
Hydronic Heat Sources
- Introduction to Hydronic Heat Sources (41:26 minutes)
- Modulating / Condensing Boilers (27:58 minutes)
- Heat Pumps (30:27 minutes)
- Solar Thermal Collectors (36:38 minutes)
- Wood-fired & Pellet-fired Boilers (32:19 minutes)
- Read Chapter 3 in the textbook
- RESOURCE: Download and read issues 9 & 10 of Caleffi's 'Idronics'
- WEEK 2 HOMEWORK: Chapter 3 Exercises 5-15 (.DOC) (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 2 Homework (don't cheat yourself by looking at this before you do the assignment) (.pdf)
- Extra Homework
Module 3 • 11 assignments
Pipes, Fittings, and Valves
- Introduction to Pipes, Fittings, Valves (40:59 minutes)
- Fittings (10:38 minutes)
- Pipe Expansion (12:03 minutes)
- Valves (14:57 minutes)
- Specialty Valves used in Hydronic Systems (12:21 minutes) Preview
- More Specialty Valves, including Zone Valves (39:49 minutes)
- Valve and fitting information from Nibco
- Valve and fitting information from RWV
- Read Chapter 5 in the textbook
- WEEK 3 HOMEWORK: Chapter 5 Exercises 1-10 (.DOC) (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 3 Homework (don't cheat yourself by looking at this before you do the assignment) (.pdf)
Module 4 • 11 assignments
Fluid Flow Through Piping
- Properties of water (43:29 minutes)
- Read Chapter 4 in the textbook
- Introduction to fluid flow through piping (16:54 minutes)
- Static pressure in hydronic systems (15:50 minutes)
- Calculating head loss (33:04 minutes)
- Hydraulic resistance (21:24 minutes)
- Operating cost of a hydronic circuit (11:23 minutes)
- Read Chapter 6 in the textbook
- Software demo - so you can start getting comfortable using it (24:41 minutes)
- WEEK 4 HOMEWORK: Chapter 6 Exercises 1-5, 15, 16 (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 4 Homework (don't cheat yourself by looking at this before you do the assignment) (.pdf)
Module 5 • 13 assignments
- Wet rotor circulators (23:46 minutes)
- 'Head' within the context of circulators (28:21 minutes)
- ECM Circulators (14:32 minutes)
- How programming of ECM circulators allows for valve-based zoning (24:11 minutes)
- Circulator efficiency (12:05 minutes)
- Cavitation (18:22 minutes)
- Hydraulic Separation (56:23 minutes)
- Note
- WATCH: Caleffi animated video
- Read
- WEEK 5 HOMEWORK: Chapter 7 Exercises 1-9 (.doc)
- WEEK 5 HOMEWORK: Chapter 7 Exercises 1-9 (PDF) (.pdf)
- Solutions for Week 5 Homework (don't cheat yourself by looking at this before you do the assignment) (.pdf)
Module 6 • 8 assignments
Expansion Tanks & Air Elimination
- Expansion of Water (17:48 minutes)
- Sizing diaphragm type expansion tanks (25:16 minutes)
- Placement of expansion tanks within the system (12:45 minutes)
- Air removal devices (28:44 minutes)
- Dirt separating devices (28:07 minutes)
- Read
- WEEK 6 HOMEWORK: Chapter 12 Exercises 3-10 (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 6 homework (don't cheat yourself my looking at this before you do the assignment) (.pdf)
Module 7 • 12 assignments
Heat Emitters
- Baseboard (52:32 minutes)
- Panel Radiators (19:12 minutes)
- Fan-coils (23:58 minutes)
- Slab-on-grade floor heating (51:21 minutes)
- Thin-slab floor heating (18:25 minutes)
- Above floor tube & plate system (22:23 minutes)
- Is radiant floor heating always the answer? (13:40 minutes)
- Site built radiant ceilings (27:32 minutes)
- Thermal equilibrium (18:02 minutes)
- Read Chapter 8 in the textbook
- WEEK 7 HOMEWORK: Chapter 8 Exercises 1-5 (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 7 homework (.pdf)
Module 8 • 12 assignments
Control Concepts and Hardware
- Closed loop control systems and control concepts (56:44 minutes)
- Controller output signals (22:12 minutes)
- Regulating output of heat emitters (34:22 minutes)
- Controlling heat output using flow rate (09:53 minutes)
- Switches and relays (37:53 minutes)
- Hydronic zoning controls (32:58 minutes)
- Other common controllers (23:29 minutes)
- A survey of mixing methods (44:09 minutes)
- Read Chapter 9 in the textbook
- WEEK 8 HOMEWORK: Chapter 9 Exercises
- WEEK 8 HOMEWORK: Chapter 9 Exercises (.doc file) (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 8 Homework (.pdf)
Module 9 • 10 assignments
Distribution Systems
- Series distribution systems (11:22 minutes)
- Single circuit / mult-zone systems (27:59 minutes)
- Parallel / direct return piping (11:07 minutes)
- Homerun distribution systems (16:01 minutes)
- Primary / secondary piping (17:20 minutes)
- Hydraulic separation (12:13 minutes)
- Read Chapter 11 in the textbook
- WEEK 9 HOMEWORK: Chapter 11 Exercises 1-10
- Week 9 HOMEWORK: Chapter 11 Exercises 1-10 (.doc file) (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 9 Homework (.pdf)
Module 10 • 15 assignments
System Examples
- Single thermal mass-combi systems (20:54 minutes)
- Hydronic-based on-demand domestic water heating (51:01 minutes)
- BTU metering (32:12 minutes)
- Example System #1 (21:53 minutes)
- Example System #2 (26:34 minutes)
- Example System #3 (08:30 minutes)
- Example System #4 (30:13 minutes)
- PDF: Example System #4 (.pdf)
- Read Chapter 14 in the textbook
- WEEK 10 HOMEWORK: Chapter 14 Exercises 1-7
- WEEK 10 HOMEWORK: Chapter 14 Exercises 1-7 (.doc file) (.doc)
- Solutions for Week 10 Homework (.pdf)
- PDF: Details of Example Systems (.pdf)
- Take the final quiz and earn a passing score
- Answer Key, Formulas and Solutions - final quiz (don't cheat yourself) (.pdf)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- LinkedIn: Mastering Hydronic System Design Alumni Group
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 2 •
Heat Pump System Fundamentals
Welcome • 2 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 6 assignments
Heat Pump System Fundamentals
- Introduction to the Course and Your Instructor (1A) (09:59 minutes)
- Starting Concepts (1B REV) (45:54 minutes)
- What can heat pumps do (1C) (11:43 minutes)
- Basic Heat Pump Refrigeration Systems (1D) (23:51 minutes)
- Basic Heat Pump Performance (1E) (24:05 minutes)
- A brief history of heat pumps (1F) (12:49 minutes)
Conclusion • 7 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- End of Course Knowledge Check - Heat Pump Fundamentals
- More reference material on water-to-water heat pumps (.pdf)
- More reference material on air-to-water heat pumps (.pdf)
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 3 •
Air-to-Water Heat Pump Fundamentals
Welcome • 2 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 5 assignments
Air-to-Water Heat Pumps - Overview
- Physical Configurations (29:02 minutes)
- Basic Thermal Performance (14:00 minutes)
- Domestic Water Heating Applications (10:32 minutes)
- Why the North American Air-to-Water Heat Pump Market Will Grow (46:55 minutes)
- Air-to-water heat pumps (overview) example systems (24:18 minutes) Preview
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- Knowledge Check
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 4 •
Air-to-Water Heat Pump Applications
Welcome • 2 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 1 assignments
Thermal performance of air-to-water heat pumps
- Thermal performance of air-to-water heat pumps (33:08 minutes)
Module 2 • 1 assignments
Integrating boilers with air-to-water heat pumps
- Integrating boilers with heat pumps (11:37 minutes)
Module 3 • 1 assignments
Domestic water heating considerations using air-to-water heat pumps
- Domestic water heating considerations using air-to-water heat pumps (15:14 minutes)
Module 4 • 1 assignments
Air-to-water heat pump sizing considerations
- Air-to-water heat pump sizing considerations (07:24 minutes)
Module 5 • 1 assignments
Installation details
- Installation details (27:27 minutes)
Module 6 • 1 assignments
Example systems using air-to-water heat pumps
- Example systems using air-to-water heat pumps (18:01 minutes)
Module 7 • 1 assignments
New concepts for air-to-water heat pumps
- New concepts for air-to-water heat pumps (11:19 minutes)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- Knowledge Check
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 5 •
Geothermal Heat Pump Fundamentals
Welcome • 2 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 6 assignments
Overview of Residential Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
- "How Geothermal Heat Pumps Work" (.pdf)
- Read: "Geothermal What's in a Name?"
- Read: "The Ground Connection" (.pdf)
- Intro to GSHP Systems - Part 1 (12:07 minutes)
- Intro to GSHP Systems - Part 2 (25:05 minutes)
- Module 1 presentation slides (PDF) (.pdf)
Module 2 • 5 assignments
Overview of Commercial Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
- Basic Types of Heat Pumps (12:46 minutes)
- GSHP Systems (16:27) (16:27 minutes)
- The Ground Connection (12:48 minutes)
- Pros & Cons of Geothermal Systems (11:58 minutes)
- Module 2 presentation slides - Commercial Geothermal Heat Pump Overview (.pdf)
Module 3 • 4 assignments
Economics & Marketing Considerations
- Economics & Marketing - Part 1 (12:31 minutes)
- Economics & Marketing - Part 2 (11:40 minutes)
- Economics & Marketing - LoopLink Example (11:14 minutes)
- Module 3 presentation slides (PDF) (.pdf)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- Learning Check (19 questions)
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 6 •
Geothermal Heat Pump Applications
Welcome • 2 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 15 assignments
Heat Pump Selection & Residential Ground Loops
- Reading "A Basic Guide to Heat Pump Selection" (.pdf)
- Overview of GSHP Performance (23:20 minutes)
- Presentation slides (PDF) - Overview of GSHP Performance (.pdf)
- GSHP Selection - LoopLink Example (10:53 minutes)
- Closed-Loop GHEX Design Basics (11:54 minutes)
- Closed-Loop GHEX Design - LoopLink Example (18:49 minutes)
- Presentation slides (PDF) - Design of Closed-Loop Ground Heat Exchangers (.pdf)
- Read "How to Measure GSHP Efficiency for Forced-Air Units" (.pdf)
- Read "Geothermal Do's & Don't's" (.pdf)
- Important GSHP Design & Installation Considerations (33:21 minutes)
- Presentation slides (PDF) - Important GSHP Design Considerations (.pdf)
- Assignment Calculate the amount of propylene glycol for a 20% concentration in this ground loop. (.pdf)
- LoopLink Assignment – Part 1
- Antifreeze Volume Calculator (.xlsm)
- LoopLink Assignment Part – 2 (.pdf)
Module 2 • 15 assignments
Commercial Ground Loops
- Module 3 Presentation Slides (.pdf)
- Building Understanding, Pre-Modeling, and Site Visit (07:03 minutes)
- Common Fuels (08:55 minutes)
- Heating Energy Cost Comparison (09:03 minutes)
- Operating Costs (13:31 minutes)
- Closed-Loop Ground Heat Exchangers - Advanced Topics (11:34 minutes)
- Piping Systems (05:23 minutes)
- Planning and Design Review (12:25 minutes)
- Design Review - Flushing and Purging (10:23 minutes)
- Construction Verification (13:23 minutes)
- Practical Considerations (07:03 minutes)
- Presentation Slides (.pdf)
- Commercial Applications Quiz (20 questions)
- ASSIGNMENT: Calculate the propylene glycol (gal) for a 20% concentration in this GHEX. (.pdf)
- RESOURCE FOR ASSIGNMENT: Antifreeze Volume Calculator (.xls) - enable macros for proper operation (.xlsm)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- End of Course Knowledge Check
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 7 •
Small-Scale Chilled Water Cooling
Welcome • 2 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 1 assignments
Advantages of chilled water cooling systems
- Benefits of small-scale chilled-water cooling (16:41 minutes)
Module 2 • 1 assignments
Thermal performance of AWHPs and WWHPs in cooling mode
- Thermal performance of AWHPs and WWHPs in cooling mode (12:11 minutes)
Module 3 • 1 assignments
Terminal units for chilled-water cooling
- Terminal units for chilled-water cooling (14:38 minutes)
Module 4 • 1 assignments
Insulating chilled-water piping
- Insulating chilled-water piping (11:15 minutes)
Module 5 • 1 assignments
Psychometrics of chilled-water cooling
- Psychometrics of chilled-water cooling (13:34 minutes)
Module 6 • 1 assignments
Example systems
- Example systems (34:22 minutes)
Module 7 • 1 assignments
Water loop heat pump systems
- Water loop heat pump systems (17:21 minutes)
Module 8 • 1 assignments
Systems that separate sensible & latent cooling
- Systems that separate sensible & latent cooling (29:33 minutes)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- Knowledge Check - Small-Scale Chilled Water Cooling
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Continuing Education Units
Approved for the following CEUs
- 2 NATE Continuing Education Hours
Approved BPI CEU Hours
BPI Credential | Advanced Hours for Exam |
6 | |
6 | |
6 | |
6 | |
6 | |
6 | |
6 | |
6 |

John Siegenthaler
John Siegenthaler, P.E., is a mechanical engineering graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a licensed professional engineer, and Professor Emeritus of Engineering Technology at Mohawk Valley Community College. “Siggy” has over 40 years of experience in designing modern hydronic systems. He is a hall-of-fame member of the Radiant Panel Association, and a...

Ryan Carda
Ryan Carda is the CTO at Midwest Geothermal, one of the largest national installers of commercial-scale ground heat exchangers for geothermal heating and cooling applications. Before joining Midwest, Ryan held the positions of Sr. Director of Engineering at Dandelion Energy and President at Geo-Connections (which was acquired by Dandelion in 2018). Ryan has more than...