John Siegenthaler

P.E., Appropriate Designs
15 courses
4.7 average rating
4,668 students


John Siegenthaler, P.E., is a mechanical engineering graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a licensed professional engineer, and Professor Emeritus of Engineering Technology at Mohawk Valley Community College. “Siggy” has over 40 years of experience in designing modern hydronic systems. He is a hall-of-fame member of the Radiant Panel Association, and a presenter at national and international conferences on hydronic and radiant heating. John is principal of Appropriate Designs – a consulting engineering firm in Holland Patent, NY. He is the author of two textbooks: Modern Hydronic Heating 4th Edition., and Heating with Renewable Energy. John currently writes about hydronics technology for several trade publications including: Plumbing&Mechanical, PM Engineer, and Heating,Plumbing, Air Conditioning (HPAC) in Canada.

Course subjects

Course bundles 3

Courses 15

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