About this course
During the course, you will learn:
- How to design the most efficient biomass heating systems, including wood gasification, pellet-fueled, and wood chip boiler systems
- Specific control techniques that allow the operating characteristics of a boiler to match the load profile of a building
- Building blocks for modern systems, including high efficiency circulators, distribution efficiency, air & dirt separation, hydraulic separation, auxiliary boiler integration, expansion tanks, and more
- Residential design example applications, including a combisystem using a wood gasification boiler, auxiliary boiler, unpressurized storage, and floor heating
- Commercial/Municipal design example applications, including a multiple pellet-fired boiler system with low temperature convectors.
- How to confidently design a quote system for installation of biomass heating systems, and more…
Course outline
Welcome • 3 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Important Note on Continuing Education Credits
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 6 assignments
Introduction and Course Overview - Why Wood and Why Hydronics?
- Week 1 - Part A - Introduction (01:17:03 hours)
- Week 1 - Part B - Fuel Cost Comparisons (01:17:59 hours)
- Slides: Week 1 slides (.pdf)
- Assignment
- PDF: Week 1 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 1 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 2 • 7 assignments
Wood Gasification Boilers (Operating Characteristics & Design Details)
- Week 2 - Part A - Introduction and Background on Wood Gasification Boilers (30:03 minutes)
- Week 2 - Part B - Boiler Protection Considerations (58:28 minutes) Preview
- Week 2 - Part C - Thermal Storage and Sizing (28:30 minutes)
- Week 2 - Part D - Example Systems (26:09 minutes)
- Slides: Week 2 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 2 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 2 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 3 • 8 assignments
Pellet-Fueled Boilers (Operating Characteristics, Fuel Conveyance, and Design Details)
- Week 3 - Part A - Pellet-Fueled Boilers (43:15 minutes)
- Week 3 - Part B - Venting Pellet-Fueled Boilers (21:16 minutes)
- Week 3 - Part C - Boiler Protection Considerations (15:33 minutes)
- Week 3 - Part D - Integrating an Auxiliary Boiler (31:06 minutes)
- Week 3 - Part E - Sizing a Pellet-Fueled Boiler (34:12 minutes)
- Slides: Week 3 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 3 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 3 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 4 • 9 assignments
Wood Chip Boilers (Operating Characteristics, Fuel Conveyance, and Design Details)
- Week 4 - Part A - Introduction (27:57 minutes)
- Week 4 - Part B - Wood Chips (18:05 minutes)
- Week 4 - Part C - Wood Chip Storage and Conveyance (14:14 minutes)
- Week 4 - Part D - Large Wood Chip Boilers (13:06 minutes)
- Week 4 - Part E - Wood Chip Fired Boiler Systems (21:41 minutes)
- Week 4 - Part F - Sizing a Wood Chip-Fueled Boiler (18:19 minutes)
- Slides: Week 4 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 4 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 4 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 5 • 10 assignments
Thermal Storage Options & Sizing
- Week 5 - Part A1 - Introduction and Unpressurized Tanks (32:31 minutes)
- Week 5 - Part A2 - Benefits of External Heat Exchangers (24:47 minutes)
- Week 5 - Part B - Pressurized Storage Tanks (40:41 minutes)
- Week 5 - Part C - Heat Loss from Thermal Storage Tanks (12:55 minutes)
- Week 5 - Part D - Temperature Stacking in Thermal Storage Tanks (32:43 minutes)
- Week 5 - Part E - Heat Scavenging from Storage (23:33 minutes)
- Week 5 - Part F - Sizing Thermal Storage (22:11 minutes)
- Slides: Week 5 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 5 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 5 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 6 • 8 assignments
Low-Temperature Heat Emitter Options & Distribution Systems
- Week 6 - Part A1 - Introduction and Slab-on-Grade Floor Heating (23:53 minutes)
- Week 6 - Part A2 - Other Hydronic Radiant Floor Panels (22:57 minutes)
- Week 6 - Part B - Alternatives to Radiant Floor Heating (28:53 minutes)
- Week 6 - Part C - Panel Radiators (35:52 minutes)
- Week 6 - Part D - Distribution Systems (26:24 minutes)
- Slides: Week 6 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 6 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 6 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 7 • 10 assignments
Building Blocks for Modern Systems (Part 1)
- Week 7 - Part A1 - Introduction and Common Piping (29:02 minutes) Preview
- Week 7 - Part A2 - Hydraulic Separation (29:11 minutes)
- Week 7 - Part B - Distribution Efficiency (36:43 minutes)
- Week 7 - Part C - Circulators (33:12 minutes)
- Week 7 - Part D - Expansion Tank Selection and Sizing (36:04 minutes)
- Week 7 - Part E - Expansion Tank Placement (19:03 minutes)
- Week 7 - Part F - Air and Dirt Separation (35:09 minutes)
- Slides: Week 7 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 7 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 7 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 8 • 7 assignments
Building Blocks for Modern Systems (Part 2)
- Week 8 - Part A - Introduction and Outdoor Reset Control Theory (44:23 minutes)
- Week 8 - Part B - Mixing Options for Biomass Boiler Applications (23:37 minutes)
- Week 8 - Part C - Instantaneous DHW Subassembly (39:36 minutes)
- Week 8 - Part D - Introduction to Heat Metering (32:14 minutes)
- Slides: Week 8 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 8 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 8 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 9 • 6 assignments
Example Systems (Residential Applications)
- Week 9 - Part A - Introduction and Example Combisystem #1 (47:38 minutes)
- Week 9 - Part B - Example Combisystem #2 (23:37 minutes)
- Week 9 - Part C - Example Combisystem #3 (35:31 minutes)
- Slides: Week 9 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 9 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 9 homework answer key (.pdf)
Module 10 • 9 assignments
Example Systems (Commercial / Municipal Applications) and Course Summary
- Week 10 - Part A - Introduction and Example Systems (48:33 minutes)
- Week 10 - Part B - Pellet-Fueled Boiler Supplying Space Heating for Town Highway Garage (43:13 minutes)
- Week 10 - Part C - Large Capacity Wood Chip Boiler System (04:53 minutes)
- Week 10 - Part D - Mini-District Heating Systems (09:45 minutes)
- Week 10 - Part E - What's Wrong With This System? (23:54 minutes)
- Slides: Week 10 slides (.pdf)
- PDF: Week 10 homework questions (.pdf)
- Answer Key: Week 10 homework answer key (.pdf)
- Final Quiz (you must pass to complete the course)
Conclusion • 5 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- LinkedIn: Join the Hydronic-Based Biomass Heating Professionals LinkedIn Group
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Continuing Education Units
Approved for the following CEUs
- 23 Professional Development Contact Hours
- 11.5 BPI CEUs

John Siegenthaler
John Siegenthaler, P.E., is a mechanical engineering graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a licensed professional engineer, and Professor Emeritus of Engineering Technology at Mohawk Valley Community College. “Siggy” has over 40 years of experience in designing modern hydronic systems. He is a hall-of-fame member of the Radiant Panel Association, and a...