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BPI Credentials

BPI Building Analyst Professional (BA-P) Certification

The BPI Building Analyst Professional (BA-P) is an advanced certification for home performance professionals. A BA-P is a certified Building Analyst Technician who also conducts energy modeling, building analysis, and data evaluation in order to provide a comprehensive report with a list of prioritized home performance recommendations.

What is the The BPI Building Analyst Professional Certification?

The BPI Building Analyst Professional (BA-P) is an advanced certification for home performance professionals. A BA-P is a certified Building Analyst Technician who also conducts energy modeling, building analysis, and data evaluation in order to provide a comprehensive report with a list of prioritized home performance recommendations.

The BA-P certification is earned by passing an online written exam. An active Building Analyst Technician (BA-T) certfication is required for BA-Ps. Learn about how to earn the BA-T certification here.

BPI considers the BA-T and BA-P upgrades to be a continuation of the Building Analyst certification. The BPI Building Analyst and HEP Energy Auditor are listed as example certifications in the State-Based Home Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Grants Program Administrative andLegal Requirements Document. Additionally, the BPI Building Analyst Professional and HEP Energy Auditor are recognized by DOE as credentials that taxpayers can use to claim theEnergy Efficient Home Improvement Credit (Section 25C), and contractors can use to qualify for the Contractor Training Grant Program administered by the State Energy Offices.

Please read the BA-P Certification Scheme Handbook to prepare for the certification exams.

Get Certified as a Building Analyst Professional

  1. Read the BA-P Certification Scheme Handbook and Job Task Analysis for the Building Analyst Professional certification.
  2. Training (optional): BPI does not require training and is not affiliated with any training centers. However, individuals that complete training typically perform better on BPI exams.
  3. Schedule your exam with HeatSpring
  4. Take your BA-P Exam. The written exam is administered online. There is no field exam.
  5. Test Scores: After taking the online exam, you will see your exam score on the screen.
  6. Certification: If successful, your certification will be available for print or download in your BPI candidate account.

Exam and Testing Knowledge List

Please read the BA-P Job Task Analysis for information on subjects covered on the exam.

Standards of reference for the BA-P certification exams include:

Candidates must successfully challenge an online exam to become Building Analyst Professional (BA-P) certified. There is no field exam.

Online exam: 60 multiple choice questions*
Time limit: 2.5 hours
Passing score: 70% or higher
Processing time for exam results: Immediate


BPI Building Analyst Professionals (BA-P) must recertify every three (3) years.

You may bypass the recertification exam if you have accumulated and documented at least 30 qualifying BPI Continuing Education Units (CEUs) over the course of your current certification cycle.

Please review the Certification Renewal Policies for more information. Once you have determined that you are eligible for renewal, submit the Application for Certification Renewal with the associated renewal fee and any supporting documents.

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BPI Credentials

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