This is a bundle of these 2 courses
About this course
The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects a record addition of utility-scale solar in 2024, if the scheduled 36.4 GW are added to the grid. This growth would nearly double last year's 18.4 GW increase, which was itself a record for annual utility-scale solar installation in the United States.
With this huge increase in utility-scale solar, developers and designers may need to upskill their teams with a foundation in transmission. Electric power transmission in the U.S. is a complex topic and it can be difficult to find timely and concise resources on the subject.
That's why Tim Taylor, Owner of Electric Distribution Academy, created this 2-course series.
- Introduction to Electric Transmission provides professionals with a basis for working with electric power transmission, including a knowledge of how the industry is structured and operated in the US, transmission stakeholders, and the equipment and facilities that comprise transmission.
- Interconnection of Utility-Scale Solar PV to Transmission builds on the first course to cover transmission systems and electric power equipment, transmission operators interconnection procedures and requirements, specialized system studies, and solar PV interconnection equipment and control, with aim of this course to boil down the most important concepts to a level where everyone can get an understanding of the very involved and complex task of interconnecting solar PV to transmission systems.
Enroll in the bundle to save on both courses!
Subjects covered
Bundle outline
Course 1 •
Introduction to Electric Transmission
Welcome • 5 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Presentation/Lecture Materials (.pdf)
- Presentation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
- Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Module 1 • 2 assignments
- Introduction from Tim (09:05 minutes)
- Intro to Transmission - Two Page Reference (.pdf)
Module 2 • 14 assignments
Transmission Industry Structure and Stakeholders
- Lecture 1 - Integrated Generation and Transmission System (24:12 minutes)
- Example of Increased Transmission Advocacy (.pdf)
- Glossary of Energy Terms
- Transmission 101 (.pdf)
- Lecture 2 - Intro to Regulation and Deregulation (15:11 minutes)
- Electricity Transmission - A Primer (.pdf)
- Lecture 3 - The Complexity of Transmission Expansion (09:34 minutes)
- Why Grid Expansion is So Difficult
- Lecture 4 - Transmission Ownership (20:23 minutes)
- Competitive Transmission Companies and Rights of First Refusal
- Lecture 5 - Transmission at the National Level: Part 1 (18:08 minutes)
- Lecture 6 - NERC (21:56 minutes)
- Lecture 7 - Other Stakeholders and Module Recap (07:30 minutes)
- Quiz: Transmission Industry Structure and Stakeholders
Module 3 • 19 assignments
Regulation, Markets and Planning
- Lecture 1 - Regulation (14:27 minutes)
- Lecture 2 - Transmission Rates, OASIS, and OATT (10:55 minutes)
- Formula Rates and Transmission Costs
- Lecture 3 - Deregulation and Retail Markets (07:30 minutes)
- US Transmission Restructuring and Deregulation (.pdf)
- Lecture 4 - ISO's/RTO's (07:47 minutes) Preview
- MISO Primer (.pdf)
- ISO/RTO Info
- Lecture 5 - Centralized Wholesale Markets Part I (26:35 minutes)
- Interactive Generator Merit Order
- Lecture 6 - Centralized Wholesale Markets Part II (18:49 minutes)
- Optional: Financial Electricity Markets
- Lecture 7 - Transmission Planning (19:28 minutes)
- Summary of Transmission - From DOE's National Transmission Needs Study (.pdf)
- Grading Transmission Planning in the US
- Transmission Planning White Paper (.pdf)
- Transmission Cost Allocation (.pdf)
- Opposition to New Transmission Line
- Quiz: Regulation, Markets, and Planning
Module 4 • 17 assignments
Facilities and Equipment
- Lecture 1 - Technical Overview of Transmission Systems (24:38 minutes)
- Why it’s so hard to build new electrical transmission lines in the U.S.
- Lecture 2 - Transmission Line Siting and Permitting Pt. 1 (15:00 minutes)
- Lecture 3 - Transmission Line Siting and Permitting - Pt. 2 (14:45 minutes)
- DOE Proposed Changes to NEPA for Permitting
- Lecture 4 - Overhead Line Structures (16:23 minutes) Preview
- Optional: US RUS (Rural Utilities Service) Design Manual for HV Transmission Lines (.pdf)
- Lecture 5 - Overhead Conductors and Transmission Line Design (19:00 minutes)
- CAISO - Transmission Line Ratings (.docx)
- Optional: Transmission Line Stringing
- Lecture 6 - Insulators and Shield Wires (08:28 minutes)
- Lecture 7 - Underground Transmission (15:28 minutes)
- Lecture 8 - Substations Pt. 1 (20:40 minutes)
- Lecture 9 - Substations Pt. 2 (14:46 minutes)
- Video: Basics of Substations
- Lecture 10 - Substation Monitoring, Control, and Protection Systems (25:14 minutes)
- Quiz: Facilities and Equipment
Module 5 • 12 assignments
Operations, Maintenance and Other Topics
- Lecture 1 - Introduction to Transmission Operations (17:58 minutes)
- Lecture 2 - Transmission SCADA (21:02 minutes)
- What is CIP? video by Archer on YouTube
- NERC CIP Summary (.pdf)
- Lecture 3 - Power Flows and Balancing Generation and Load (15:36 minutes)
- Area Control Error (ACE) Article in Public Utilities Fortnightly
- Lecture 4 - Planned and Unplanned Transmission Outages (14:52 minutes)
- Day in the Life of an ERCOT Operator
- Lecture 5 - GET's and HVDC (17:36 minutes)
- Introduction to Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs)
- Optional: US DOE Report on GET's (.pdf)
- Quiz: Operations, Maintenance and Other Topics
Conclusion • 4 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Course 2 •
Interconnection of Utility-Scale Solar PV to Transmission
Welcome • 5 assignments
Orientation Materials
- Set up email notifications and your student profile
- Introduce yourself on the discussion board
- Course Introduction from Tim (05:13 minutes)
- Lecture Material / Presentation Slides for the Course (.pdf)
- Totally optional: iPhone App for taking this class (50 seconds)
Module 1 • 12 assignments
Solar PV Interconnection to Transmission - Current State and Challenges
We go over important FERC Orders that continue to shape interconnection processes in the US, including FERC Orders 2023, 1920, and 1977. We look at FERC's pro forma LGIP and LGIA, that form the basis of transmission providers' interconnection processes and agreements. We look at OATT's (Open Access Transmission Tariffs) and their role in generator interconnection. We also have a look at the most significant NERC federal regulations pertaining to generator interconnections.
- Lecture 1 - Generation Current State and Challenges (20:36 minutes)
- Solar Growth Article
- Lecture 2 - Transmission Current State and Challenges (17:02 minutes)
- Optional: "National Transmission Needs Study", US DOE, October 2023. (.pdf)
- Lecture 3 - Interconnection Current State and Challenges (16:06 minutes)
- "Queue'd Up: 2024 Edition" (.pdf)
- How does permitting for clean energy infrastructure work?
- Lecture 4 - Current Interconnection Reforms (12:27 minutes)
- Lecture 5 - OATT and ISO/RTO - Transmission Owner Operating Procedure (13:31 minutes)
- Optional - "2023 State of the Markets - Staff Report", FERC, March 21, 2024 (.pdf)
- Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards (.pdf)
- Interconnection Current State and Challenges
Module 2 • 26 assignments
Processes for Generator Interconnection to Transmission
- Lecture 1 - The Generator Interconnection Process (12:01 minutes)
- SPP Generator Interconnection Process - Four Pager (.pdf)
- FERC Order 2023, “Explainer on the Final Interconnection Rule” (.pdf)
- Lecture 2 - Primary Changes Introduced by FERC Order 2023 (19:30 minutes)
- Lecture 3 - Pre-Application Data and Information (16:59 minutes) Preview
- MISO's Interactive Interconnection and POI (Point of Interconnection) Tool - WATCH ONLY 5.00 - 15.00
- Lecture 4 - Cluster Study Process Part 1 (07:53 minutes)
- Appendix 1 to FERC pro forma LGIP – Interconnection Request for a Large Generating Facility (.pdf)
- Lecture 5 - Cluster Study Process Part 2 (09:49 minutes)
- Lecture 6 - Re-studies and Facilities Interconnection Studies (11:52 minutes)
- “PG&E Proposed Generator Interconnection Unit Cost Guide”, 5/01/2023 (.xlsx)
- Lecture 7 - Deposits and Penalties (06:55 minutes)
- Lecture 8 - Small Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreement (06:25 minutes)
- Lecture 9 - CAISO (12:43 minutes)
- Lecture 10 - MISO (11:20 minutes)
- Lecture 11 - ISO-NE (05:59 minutes)
- Lecture 12 - SPP (07:33 minutes)
- Lesson 13 - ERCOT (09:09 minutes)
- PV Magazine - ERCOT Interconnection Process Article
- Lecture 14 - NYISO (06:21 minutes)
- Lecture 15 - PJM (05:44 minutes)
- Lecture 16 - Generator Interconnection Scorecard (05:32 minutes)
- Generator Interconnection Scorecard
- Lecture 17 - Cost Allocation (09:25 minutes)
- Optional: Transmission Congestion Costs in US RTO's
- Quiz: Generator Interconnection Processes
Module 3 • 16 assignments
Technical Studies for Generator Interconnection to Transmission
We discuss the different types of studies, including frequency-domain power flow, short-circuit, and transient stability. We also look at the emerging requirements for EMT (Electromagnetic Transient) time-domain simulations, the reasons why they are being requested, and how they impact the generator interconnection process. We discuss contingency studies and the concept of transfer distribution factor (TDF).
We look at example reports from actual studies, and discuss their meaning.
- Lecture 1 - ERIS and NRIS (13:50 minutes)
- Lecture 2 - System Studies and the System Model (17:10 minutes)
- Lecture 3 - Power Flow (17:10 minutes)
- Video - A Basic Introduction to PSSE
- Lecture 4 - Transfer Distribution Factor (TDF) (13:12 minutes)
- Lecture 5 - Short-Circuit Studies (05:17 minutes)
- Lecture 6 - Dynamics Studies, Including Stability (11:14 minutes)
- Lecture 7 - Contingency Studies (07:22 minutes)
- Lecture 8 - EMT Studies (13:08 minutes)
- CAISO EMT Modeling Requirements
- Lecture 9 - Alternatives to Transmission Upgrades (04:25 minutes)
- Study Report 1 (.pdf)
- Lecture 10 - Cluster Study Report Part 1 of 2 (09:47 minutes)
- Study Report 2 (.pdf)
- Lecture 11 - Cluster Study Report Part 2 of 2 (16:20 minutes)
- Quiz: Technical Interconnection Studies
Module 4 • 13 assignments
Interconnection Equipment and Architecture
- Lecture 1 - Terminology and Responsibilities (10:02 minutes)
- "Option to Build"
- Lecture 2 - The Collector Substation and Medium-Voltage Switchgear (11:24 minutes)
- Lecture 3 - VAr Compensation and Auxiliary Loads in the Collector Substation (06:09 minutes)
- “Reactive Power in Utility-Scale Solar PV Applications – Part 2 of 5”
- Optional: "How to choose the right static compensator for your application"
- Lecture 4 - The MPT/GSU in the Collector Substation (12:15 minutes)
- Lecture 5 - High-Voltage Equipment in the Collector Substation (06:45 minutes)
- Lecture 6 - Gen-Tie Lines (05:50 minutes)
- Lecture 7 - POI Substation and Substation Breaker Configurations (08:01 minutes)
- Optional: "ComEd Updates Substation Design" in T&D World Magazine
- Lecture 8 - Options for POI Connections (16:54 minutes)
- Quiz: Equipment and Architecture
Module 5 • 15 assignments
Interconnection Monitoring, Control, and Protection
- Lecture 1 - Protection Overview (11:40 minutes)
- Lecture 2 - Interconnection Protection Requirements (08:20 minutes)
- Lecture 3 - Common Protective Functions in Interconnections (15:55 minutes)
- Lecture 4 - Ride-Through Capability and NERC PRC-024 (08:03 minutes)
- NERC PRC-024-3 (.pdf)
- Lecture 5 - Power Plant Controllers (PPC) (12:08 minutes)
- “PV SCADA – Solar Plant Control and Monitoring Solutions”, Applied Technical Systems (.pdf)
- SEL Real-Time Automation Controllers (RTACS) – CAISO Remote Intelligent Gateway (RIG) (.pdf)
- "Renewable Power Plant Controller – Product Specification”, PXiSE Energy Solutions (.pdf)
- Lecture 6 - Volt/VAr Control (09:11 minutes)
- Lecture 7 - RTU's and Telemetry (14:50 minutes)
- Lecture 8 - Metering (11:04 minutes)
- Lecture 9 - Review of a Project's Protection, Metering, and Telemetry Requirements (12:34 minutes)
- Generation Interconnection Study Report (.pdf)
- Interconnection Monitoring, Control and Protection Quiz
Conclusion • 4 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources
- 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
- Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
- Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
- Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate
Continuing Education Units
Approved for the following CEUs
Approved NABCEP CEU Hours
NABCEP Credential | Advanced Hours for Exam | Recertification CEU Hours | NEC | JTA | RE Elective | Building or Fire Code |
10 | 20 | 0 | 10 | 20 | 0 | |
0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 | |
0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 | |
10 | 20 | 0 | 10 | 20 | 0 | |
0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 | |
0 | 20 | 0 | 10 | 20 | 0 |

Tim Taylor
Tim has spent over 35 years in electric generation, transmission, and distribution. He recognizes the urgency to act on climate change. His primary focus is collaborating with stakeholders to understand the complexities of generation and storage interconnections to the electric grid. This encompasses the technical considerations, interconnection procedures and...