Become a Building Enclosure Control Freak and Do Residential Ventilation Right

About this course
Allison will review:
-The basics: buildings as systems, enclosures, controlling air, thermodynamics, wall assembly materials, etc.
-Controlling moisture flow: liquid and vapor, laws of water gravity, rain, drainage, diffusion vs. infiltration, permeance and vapor retarders, etc.
-Doing Residential Ventilation Right: why we need ventilation, how to choose a ventilation method, how to choose a ventilation rate, commissioning and maintaining the system.
...and more!
Course outline
Module 1 • 3 assignments
Building Science with Dr. Allison Bailes
- Presentation Slides: How to Become a Building Control Freak (.pdf)
- "How To Become a Building Enclosure Control Freak" (57:20 minutes)
- "3 Steps to Doing Residential Ventilation Right" (01:01:03 hours)

Allison Bailes III
Allison A. Bailes III, PhD, is founder and owner of Energy Vanguard in Decatur, Georgia. Like many in the field of building science and green building, he is multi-faceted: His academic credentials in physics (BS, MS, MST, and PhD all in that field) give him a solid foundation in the science that underlies buildings. Having taught physics at the high school and college...