About this course

Developed in partnership with the Building Performance Association

Master the best practices for calculating ventilation requirements, optimizing equipment selection, and understanding where the standards are headed. The course includes many calculators and design tools for winning and completing jobs faster and with greater confidence.

This is a comprehensive, hands-on training course for professionals. Instructor Rick Karg has been a member of the ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation committee since 2007 and heads the existing dwellings group. He served as the lead editor of ASHRAE’s Guideline 24-2015, a document that supplements the ASHRAE 62.2 standard. 

The extensive curriculum focuses on the ASHRAE 62.2-2016 Standard, but also addresses the 2013 version of the Standard.

Course outline

8 modules
15 - 20 hours to complete
6:17 hours of video lectures
Welcome • 3 assignments
Orientation Materials

This course is self-paced, so you don’t need to be logged in at any specific time. You can get started immediately after you enroll and the course materials will remain in your account with minimum guaranteed access for 12 months (1 year) after enrollment.

  • ASHRAE 62.2 and Ventilation Facts (20:30 minutes)
  • Set up email notifications and your student profile
  • Introduce yourself on the discussion board
Module 1 • 10 assignments
Introduction and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Basics

Before we discuss ventilation, it is important to know why ventilation is important. Do we really need these additional mechanical devices in our homes? Yes. Haven’t we been OK without them for decades? Yes and no. We will address the major contaminants found in our homes, including PM2.5, formaldehyde, acrolein, nitrogen dioxide, and moisture. It is important to keep contaminants out of the house (source control) and manage those that are generated in the house by ventilating and filtering the air.

  • Week 1 Study Guide
  • Indoor Air Quality Basics, Part 1 of 2, week 1 (31:25 minutes) Preview
  • Indoor Air Quality Basics, Part 2 of 2, week 1 (39:11 minutes)
  • Why We Ventilate. Logue, J.M., et al. LBNL, September 2011 (11 pages) (.pdf)
  • A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home. EPA (20 pages) (.pdf)
  • Formaldehyde. ATSDR. (2 pages) (.pdf)
  • Acrolein. ATSDR. September 2005 (2 pages) (.pdf)
  • Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades, EPA, October 2011 (48 pages) (.pdf)
  • Introduction and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Basics (10 questions)
  • Required Discussion Board Post for Week 1
Module 2 • 9 assignments
Basics of Ventilation Methods

“Build tight, ventilate right” was first stated in 1992. This statement is not only good rule for the occupants of our dwellings, but it is also good for our houses. We will examine how and why ventilation interacts with natural infiltration by using an online infiltration modeling tool. Descriptions and examples of exhaust-only, supply-only, and balanced ventilation equipment will make you knowledgeable with all ventilation types and their related controls. This topic will clearly show you what your options are.

  • Week 2 Study Guide
  • The Basics of Ventilation Methods, week 2, Part 1 of 2 (36:46 minutes)
  • The Basics of Ventilation Methods, week 2, Part 2 of 2 (30:45 minutes)
  • Whole-House Ventilation. U.S. DOE.
  • Review of Residential Ventilation Technologies. Russell, M., et al. LBNL, August 2005 (38 pages) (.pdf)
  • Systems Research on Residential Ventilation. Rudd, A. and Lstiburek, J., Building Science Corp., 2008 (16 pages) (.pdf)
  • The History of Ventilation and Temperature Control. Janssen, J.E. ASHRAE Journal, September 1999 (6 pages) (.pdf)
  • Basics of Ventilation Methods (10 questions)
  • Required Discussion Board Post for Week 2
Module 3 • 11 assignments
Ventilation Standards and Calculating Ventilation Requirements

ASHRAE Standard 62.2, "Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings", was first released in 2002. It has become the most often used standard for ventilation in the U.S. The International Residential Code (2012 and 2015) includes ventilation requirements that are closely aligned with ASHRAE 62.2, but are relatively brief. This week we will address the details of these ventilation standards/codes, stressing ASHRAE 62.2. By the end of the week, you will be familiar with local and whole-building ventilation requirements for new and existing dwellings, both single-family and multifamily.
Additionally we will calculate the minimum ventilation requirements for example dwellings using ASHRAE 62.2 and a few examples for California’s unique version of the 62.2 standard. For these examples, we will use free online tools that will be available during and after this course.

  • Week 3 Study Guide
  • Ventilation Standards, week 3, part 1 of 2 (34:56 minutes)
  • Calculating ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation Requirements, week 3, Part 2 of 2 (54:24 minutes)
  • RED ASHRAE 62.2-2016 Ventilation tool
  • User Guide for RED ASHRAE 62.2-2016 tool
  • ASHRAE 62.2-2016, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings
  • RED ASHRAE 62.2-2013 short video tutorial (5:37 in length)
  • RED ASHRAE 62.2-2013 extended video tutorial (23:40 in length)
  • Week 3 homework/quiz
  • Submit Week 3 Homework/Quiz
  • Required Discussion Board Post for Week 3
Module 4 • 13 assignments
Mechanical Ventilation Equipment and Installation

Up to this point we have looked at why ventilation is important, what the basic types of ventilation systems are, what the standards/codes require, and how to size the ventilation fans correctly. This week we will look at how to select fans and controls and how to install them properly for the lowest cost. You will learn about the best fans/HRVs/ERVs (brands and models) and controls (brands and models), effective ductwork and termination installation, and performance testing (airflow measurement methods). This week brings all the previous information together for a great, cost-effective installation that satisfies your customers and minimizes re-works.

  • Week 4 Study Guide
  • Mechanical Ventilation Equipment and Installation, week 4, Part 1 of 3 (36:44 minutes) Preview
  • Mechanical Ventilation Equipment and Installation, week 4, Part 2 of 3 (34:10 minutes)
  • Mechanical Ventilation Equipment and Installation, Week 4, Part 3 of 3 (29:07 minutes)
  • RED Pitot Tube Airflow tool
  • RED Pitot Tube Airflow tool User Guide
  • Evaluation of Flow Capture Techniques for Measuring HVAC Grille Airflows. Walker, I.S. and Wray, C.P. LBNL, August 2003 (17 pages) (.pdf)
  • How to Provide Makeup Air for Range Hoods, Martin Holladay, Fine Homebuilding, December 2012 (.pdf)
  • Performance Assessment of U.S. Residential Cooking Exhaust Hoods. Delp, W.W. et al. LBNL, May 2012 (37 pages) (.pdf)
  • Commissioning Residential Ventilation Systems: A Combined Assessment of Energy and Air Quality Potential Values. Turner, W.J.N. et al. LBNL, July 2012. (39 pages) (.pdf)
  • How to Maintain Your Heat Recovery Ventilator. Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)How
  • Mechanical Ventilation Equipment and Installation (12 questions)
  • Required Discussion Board Post for Week 4
Module 5 • 5 assignments
Costs and Benefits of Ventilation Systems and the Future of the ASHRAE 62.2 Standard

Are ventilation systems costly to operate? Most people erroneously perceive they are. This week we will calculate the cost of operating the fan motor(s) and the cost of the conditioned air that is exhausted from a dwelling by the ventilation equipment. The low costs are likely to surprise you. The free online tools used for these calculations will be available to you during and after this course. We will carry these calculations a step further by determining the savings-to-investment ratio for controlling airflow (air sealing and adding ventilation).
Finally, we will discuss changes that are coming to the ASHRAE 62.2 standard in 2016 and after. This knowledge will prepare you for the near future of your ventilation installations.

  • Week 5 Study Guide
  • Costs and Benefits of Ventilation, Part 1 of 2 (09:37 minutes)
  • Calculating SIR for Controlling Airflow in Existing Dwellings, week 5 (19:38 minutes)
  • Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Benefits and Energy Costs of Mechanical Ventilation. Logue, J.M. et al. LBNL, June 2011 (11 pages) (.pdf)
  • Required Discussion Board Post for Week 5
Module 6 • 3 assignments
Final Project

You'll be asked to apply everything you've learned into a final capstone project: running calculations and doing equipment selection based on the ASHRAE 62.2 Standard.

  • Week 6 Study Guide
  • Final Project Document (.pdf)
  • Final Project - Student Upload
Conclusion • 4 assignments
Feedback and Additional Resources

This is our last module but you still have access to the all of course materials for 12 months (1 year), so keep working and you'll be able to complete the course at your own pace. After your year of access expires you can optionally extend access with a HeatSpring Membership. Enjoy the course and keep in touch!

  • 1 Year of Access to Course Materials
  • Feedback: 2-minute Exit Survey
  • Consider Joining as a HeatSpring Member
  • Certificate of Completion: Request a Certificate

Continuing Education Units

Approved for the following CEUs

  • 30 AIA LU/HSW Credits
  • 15 BPI CEUs


Rick Karg

President, Residential Energy Dynamics

Rick spent ten years building houses, taught college economics, helped design one of the first energy modeling programs, managed the Maine Home Performance Program, and has been training utility staff, low-income weatherization personnel, and private energy auditors and contractors for over three decades. He has been a member of the ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation committee...

Frequently asked questions

Full FAQ
How does this course work?
You can begin this online course instantly upon enrollment. This 6 module course is delivered entirely online. This course is self-paced and you can set your own schedule to complete the materials. You can begin the lecture videos and other course materials as soon as you enroll. During your year of access the instructor will be in the course answering questions on the discussion board. After successfully completing the course, you will be able to generate a certificate of completion.
How long do I have access to the materials?
Students get unlimited access to the course materials as soon as they enroll and for one year (365 days) after enrollment. Rewatch videos and review assignments as many times as you want. View updates the instructor makes to the course as the industry advances. Return to your course anytime with online access from anywhere in the world. After the one year of access expires, access can be extended by joining as a HeatSpring member. A single membership extends access to course materials for all past enrollments.
Is there a certificate of completion?
Yes, when you complete this course you are eligible for a certificate of completion from HeatSpring. You can download your certificate as soon as you have completed all of the course requirements. Students can easily share their verified certificates on their LinkedIn profiles using our LinkedIn integration.
Can I register multiple people?
Yes please visit our HeatSpring for Groups page to get a group discount.


Based on 111 reviews
students have taken this course

As a manager for a Community Action Agency, I direct most staff members towards this course to get a better understanding of ASHRAE requirements within the WAP program

Darrell Oakley
Housing Manager, Community Action of Allegan County

Being new to the Ventilation industry, this course provided the knowledge to have meaningful conversations with others more experienced. Also, it brought a real awareness of the health risks caused by stale indoor air and straightforward solutions to improve our quality of life.

Mike Devore
Engineering Manager, Greenheck

I have been in weatherization for over 2 1/2 yrs and have been designing and installing ventilation systems and i thought i needed to learn more. This was the perfect course for me since i have already been using the free red calc tools. It helped me learn more of the tools that i did not know would be a great help in my work.

Vernie Hellmann
Weatherization Systems technician/ Energy Auditor , Jefferson Franklin Action Corporation

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