Radiant Cooling and Heating

About this course
He’ll cover both cooling and heating systems and will discuss the various steps including key issues you can use in your own design practice. For new or seasoned designers and those who want to get into radiant cooling, this 12-step process should be your first step into this developing technology.
Course outline
Module 1 • 3 assignments
Video Lecture and Discussion
- Lecture - 12-Step Process for Designing Embedded Pipe Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems (54 minutes) (53:43 minutes)
- 40-minute Q+A call recording (MP3)
- Free Tool: ASHRAE Standard 55 Calculator (.xls)

Robert Bean
Robert Bean is an ASHRAE Fellow, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, recipient of the Lou Flagg Award, Distinguished Service Award and instructor for the ASHRAE Learning Institute. He is a retired professional who specialized in high performance buildings and indoor environmental quality.