Scott Sklar

President, The Stella Group
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5,699 students


Scott Sklar runs a clean energy technology optimization and strategic policy firm, The Stella Group, Ltd, which he founded in 1995 and came on full time to lead in 1999. The firm facilitates clean distributed energy projects for commercial, industrial, and military applications. The firm specializes in blending technologies and financing projects, as well as assisting companies’ market penetration with a focus on standardized, modular, web-enabled, and interoperable systems.

Before The Stella Group, Sklar concurrently served 15 years as Executive Director of two national trade associations: the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the National BioEnergy Industries Association (NBIA). Previously, Sklar spent two years as Political Director of The Solar Lobby, a renewable energy advocacy group founded by the big nine US environmental organizations. Prior to joining The Solar Lobby, he served the National Center for Appropriate Technology(NCAT)–a federally-funded applied technology institution promoting renewables and energy efficiency–in the roles of Washington Director for two years and Acting RD&D Director for one year.

Sklar started his energy career serving nine years on the Washington personal and Committee staffs of Senator Jacob K. Javits (NY), as a military and energy aide. Sklar co-founded the Congressional Solar Caucus in the mid-1970’s, when most renewable energy legislation was first passed by the US Congress as a result of the first and second oil embargoes.

In addition to his work with The Stella Group, Sklar serves on the Boards of Directors of three national non-profits: Business Council for Sustainable Energy, Renewable Energy Policy Project, and The Solar Foundation. He also serves as Steering Committee Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Coalition, composed of the 20+ national energy efficiency and renewable energy industry organizations, advocacy groups, think tanks, and environmental groups.

Sklar is an Adjunct Professor at the George Washington University, teaching a unique multidisciplinary sustainable energy course. On November 4, 2010 Commerce Secretary Gary Locke approved Sklar’s appointment to the Department of Commerce Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (RE&EEAC), and was re-approved for a second term on December 4, 2012 by Acting Secretary Rebecca Blank to serve through June 2014. Sklar also serves as part time Executive Director of the Center for Small Business and the Environment.

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