Great course, great instructors, up to date materials, and enjoyable.
I would have no chance of passing this exam without this course. The practice exams and explanations are great ways to make sure I'm accurately applying the information I'm learning. I passed the first practice exam I took, which really reduced my fear and stress surrounding the exam. Super grateful for the information I learned!
I won't know how effective the course is until I take the exam.
Sean White and Bill Brooks explain things well and are very reponsive to to questions during the course. Very recommended course to take.
This course is not only good for getting the NABCEP PVIP. It also prepares you to pass electrical exams for Master, or Journeyman. I highly recommend this course.
Sean White is an excellent instructor. I highly recommend his courses.
Sean White was an extraordinary instructor with a wealth of knowledge and an ability to illustrate his knowledge in a way that is understandable and not over the head of the average student,
Great course from Sean!
Students : We do not learn , we ABSORB ! The key is repetitiveness !
This is the best course for solar that you can get. I started last year as a laborer, worked my way as a technician and now I am a field manager due to this course. I use the information every day on our job sites, I feel confident with what I know and the results show in our arrays.
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